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- Módulos y addons para PrestaShop. PrestaShop Addons.
- Módulo Advanced Anti-Spam System + reCAPTCHA
Módulo Advanced Anti-Spam System + reCAPTCHA
El módulo Advanced Anti-Spam System es un módulo especialmente diseñado para proteger la tienda PrestaShop contra ataques y prácticas de SPAM. Detección y bloqueo de acceso a bots maliciosos. Validación de campos reforzada, protección de formularios con Google reCAPTCHA, protección contra fuerza bruta, uso de honeypots, bloqueo a bots que crean los carritos fantasma, etc...
- Versión
- 1.2.0
- Compatibilidad
- PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8 - Multitienda compatible
- Sí
Puedes probar nuestro módulo sin compromiso antes de realizar la compra. Accede a nuestra tienda demo para poder ver todas las características del módulo, funcionalidades y comprobar si cumple con tus requisitos:
[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora
1.2.0 (10/02/2025)
- [IMP] Updated bad bots list.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Log events information.
- [FIX] Honeypot system detecting false positives.
- [ADD] POST requests in log events to detect exploit attempts.
- [ADD] reCAPTCHA and Honeypot compatibility with Contact form made by Creative Elements.
- [ADD] Reiforcement in messages from contact form when the domain IP used as sender is officially blacklisted.
- [ADD] Option to block Access from non trusted referrals. (20/08/2024)
- [NEW] License system. (19/01/2024)
- [ADD] New option to add IP address in a Whitelist to disable the module in frontend.
- [FIX] Issue with Cron task execution due security parameters in .htaccess file. (12/12/2023)
- [FIX] Minor bugs. (21/09/2023)
- [FIX] Minor visual bugs.
1.1.0 (04/04/2023)
- [IMP] Stopforumspam API system to increase the accuracy in spammer detections relating username with email address and not from separated elements.
- [ADD] Checkbox to increase performance in honeypot detection system.
- [FIX] Bug detecting as BOT because of autocompleting honeypot password input in Chrome using OPC module by Presteamshop.
1.0.9 (03/04/2023)
- [FIX] BUG in contactform not validating email address due syntax error in php code.
1.0.8 (01/03/2023)
- [FIX] BUG in contactform override allowing sending message when it is detected as spam.
- [FIX] BUG in PHP code related to compatibility with module OPC by Presteamshop.
- [IMP] Minor improvements.
- [IMP] Honeypot system.
- [IMP] Registration validation engine to avoid last techniques from spammers in registration form.
- [ADD] Option to ban IP address after X failed attempts in Google reCAPTCHA protection.
- [NEW] Options to prevents ghost shopping carts from bots.
- [NEW] Options to check spammers from stopforumspam API.
1.0.7 (16/01/2023)
- [FIX] BUG in theme Alysum because of a smarty and js variable unused caused JS conflicts.
1.0.6 (03/01/2023)
- [FIX] Customer registration validation system issue with some accented characters.
1.0.5 (23/12/2022)
- [IMP] Customer registration validation system.
1.0.4 (28/11/2022)
- [FIX] "Forbidden call" message after executing Cron task.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop 8.
1.0.3 (15/11/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] reCaptcha V3 issue with bad PHP code casting a value.
- [FIX] Issue with module idxrvalidatinguser and reCaptcha V3 and V2 invisible because this module save post values into a cookie, even the reCaptcha values and it causes an issue while login into guest account.
- [IMP] PHP code.
1.0.2 (27/10/2022)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [FIX] Minor bug in CRON task launching "forbidden call".
- [FIX] Visual issues for Google reCAPTCHA badge in mobile version.
- [FIX] Issue in Registration form and option to increase security in this form when customer has accent in lastname.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Google Authenticator by R. Kazeno.
- [ADD] Integration with module One Page Checkout Prestashop by Presteamshop.
- [NEW] reCAPTCHA in Admin Login form.
1.0.1 (19/10/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] reCaptcha issue in login form for third party themes.
1.0.0 (18/07/2022)
- First version developed.
One Page Checkout de Presteamshop
Se ha desarrollado la integración completa con el módulo One Page Checkout de Presteamshop (desde versión 4.1.5 usando la interface del Checkout V5), para que todas las funciones y características de nuestro módulo funcionen en la página de checkout administrada por este módulo.
Si está usando un módulo de terceros para Checkout que no figura en la lista es posible que no sea compatible. Consúltenos.
Una vez adquirido el producto, recibirás un código de licencia LIFETIME para poder hacer uso del módulo de manera indefinida en el dominio que indiques. Además, en el precio de la compra se incluye derecho a soporte técnico durante los 12 meses siguientes. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, tendrás la opción de renovar el periodo de soporte técnico por 12 meses, abonando el coste del servicio.
Si quieres más información acerca de las condiciones de licencia, por favor, visita el siguiente link