- Inicio
- Módulos y addons para PrestaShop. PrestaShop Addons.
- Módulo Restricted Shop Access (Acceso a tienda privada o B2B)
Módulo Restricted Shop Access (Acceso a tienda privada o B2B)
El módulo Restricted Shop Access convierte tu tienda online PrestaShop en una tienda totalmente privada con acceso totalmente restringido a empleados, clientes registrados o usuarios con credenciales de acceso. Está especialmente diseñado para empresas que no desean abrir la tienda al público en general y están destinadas a las ventas B2B o similar. Puedes restringir el acceso de tu tienda sin penalizar en el SEO. Compatible con Criteo.
- Versión
- Compatibilidad
- PrestaShop 1.6
PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8 - Multitienda compatible
- Sí
Puedes probar nuestro módulo sin compromiso antes de realizar la compra. Accede a nuestra tienda demo para poder ver todas las características del módulo, funcionalidades y comprobar si cumple con tus requisitos:
[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora (15/01/2025)
- [IMP] Code to not allow indexing by crawlers and Search engine bots.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [ADD] More Crawlers to allow indexing. (29/08/2024)
- [ADD] Option to allow Access for Cache warmer bots like used in PageCache Ultimate module by JPresta. (21/08/2024)
- [NEW] License feature. (08/06/2023)
- [FIX] BUG Sending email after importing masive Restricted access credentials. (01/06/2023)
- [FIX] BUG Sending email to recovery credential after submit "Recovery password" form.
1.3.3 (20/02/2023)
- [FIX] BUG because method doesn't exitst in Prestashop 1.6 version when a customer try to log in as customer.
- [FIX] visual BUG with icons in admin tabs in module configuration page for Prestashop 1.6 versions.
1.3.2 (06/02/2023)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying background image when background color is empty.
- [NEW] Option to set Background image position.
- [NEW] Option to set Background image size.
1.3.1 (03/02/2023)
- [FIX] Bug in current URL redirection after login.
- [FIX] Minor Bugs.
- [IMP] Some visual improvements.
- [IMP] White list in user agent to allow search and social network engine to crawl the site.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop 8 version.
- [NEW] Option to not allow shop indexation.
1.3.0 (13/06/2022)
- [FIX] Minor Bugs.
- [NEW] Module configuration page.
- [ADD] firstname and lastname data into restricted users list.
1.2.6 (31/08/2021)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying background image.
- [FIX] Issue error 404 when come back to login form from recovery password form.
- [FIX] Duplicated meta tag for robots.
- [NEW] Import user access in bulk from CSV.
- [ADD] Display login form even with maintenance mode enabled.
- [ADD] Fontawesome 5 PRO icons library and updated it to version 5.15.4.
- [IMP] Allow one user per email address. Not allowed duplicated email address.
- [IMP] Password validation clean spaces at begining and at the end.
1.2.5 (12/07/2021)
- [FIX] Issue Login content text option disappearing content after reload page.
1.2.4 (02/07/2021)
- [FIX] Issue in javascript with italian language in strings because comma symbol.
1.2.3 (30/06/2021)
- [FIX] Issue with custom css.
1.2.2 (17/06/2021)
- [FIX] login issue due bad php function when option to login into customer account is enabled.
1.2.1 (13/04/2021)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Login system, cookies, and logount process.
- [FIX] login issue when option to login into customer account is enabled.
- [FIX] Issues redirecting to URL set after login success.
- [ADD] Set unlimited expiration time for session by setting 0 value.
- [ADD] alexa bot (Amazon crawler) in list of Search engine crawlers to allow it.
- [ADD] Redirect to 403 when a crawler or criteo bots are trying to explore the website if option is enabled to not allow them.
- [ADD] Redirects to index page when customer is logged out when option to login as customer after login form is enabled.
1.2.0 (25/12/2020)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Login form.
- [ADD] Option to send email with credentials to user when the access is created.
- [ADD] Option to send email with credentials to user from User access list.
- [ADD] Login form is displayed when customer is signed out.
- [ADD] Login form will not be displayed as log as customer keeps session signed on.
- [ADD] Users can request email to remind the credentials to access.
- [NEW] Recovery password form.
- [NEW] Ip address whitelist to hide login form and allow access to the shop.
1.1.3 (15/07/2020)
- [FIX] Critical bug with Redsys.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [ADD] Option to login as customer after validating login form.
1.1.2 (11/06/2020)
- [FIX] Issue dispalying module login form again when client is logged into his customer account after login.
- [FIX] Admin Controller code - minor issue.
1.1.1 (27/04/2020)
- [FIX] Login process when reCaptcha is enabled because of duplicated checking issues.
- [IMP] Loading libraries.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [ADD] Associate restricted user access by shop in multishop mode.
- [ADD] Search and filter functions in user access list.
- [ADD] Activate or deactivate functions in user access list.
- [ADD] SEO meta in login page.
- [ADD] Favicon un login page.
1.1.0 (04/03/2020)
- [FIX] Login form issue when is displayed all time with registered users only in mobile devices.
- [FIX] Login issue with insensitive case.
- [NEW] Configuration page.
- [NEW] Option to display reset button.
- [NEW] Option to display logo.
- [NEW] Option to display language dropdown.
- [NEW] Google reCaptcha protection.
- [NEW] Option to set background colour in login form.
- [NEW] Option to set background colour in body.
- [NEW] Editor with highlight sintax to customize login form with CSS code.
- [NEW] Option to set background image.
- [NEW] Option to allow access for employees.
- [NEW] Option to allow access for registered customers.
- [NEW] Option to allow access for Restricted user list.
- [NEW] Option to allow access for search crawlers and bots.
- [NEW] Option to allow access for Criteo Prestashop partner.
- [IMP] Login form content with tinymce rich editor.
- [IMP] Login form image format.
- [IMP] Responsive images.
- [IMP] Responsive login form.
- [IMP] Login form styles.
- [IMP] Admin tab location.
- [DEL] Login form title replaced by Login form content.
- [ADD] Italian, French and German languages.
1.0.6 (22/12/2019)
- [FIX] Admin tab issue with this module.
1.0.5 (26/01/2019)
- [FIX] Login access error due a deprecated function in PS17.
1.0.4 (14/01/2019)
- [FIX] Language issues with admin controller due last changes in last PS1.7 versions.
1.0.3 (12/10/2018)
- [FIX] jQuery issues in BO.
1.0.2 (21/04/2018)
- [FIX] Access denied message displayed when login form is tiggered.
- [FIX] Login form closed when click outside or press esc key.
- [FIX] Remove background shop issue when option is enabled.
- [FIX] Issues to remove exit button in login form when redirect to exit option is in blank.
1.0.1 (24/03/2018)
- [ADD] PrestaTrust feature.
1.0.0 (25/10/2016)
- First version.
Una vez adquirido el producto, recibirás un código de licencia LIFETIME para poder hacer uso del módulo de manera indefinida en el dominio que indiques. Además, en el precio de la compra se incluye derecho a soporte técnico durante los 12 meses siguientes. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, tendrás la opción de renovar el periodo de soporte técnico por 12 meses, abonando el coste del servicio.
Si quieres más información acerca de las condiciones de licencia, por favor, visita el siguiente link