[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora (28/08/2024)
- [NEW] License feature. (21/09/2023)
- [FIX] Minor visual BUG
- [FIX] Issue allowing actions.
1.1.2 (22/12/2022)
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [FIX] Bug with hotlinking option.
- [ADD] Option to allow hotlinking for official platforms (Facebook, Google, Bing, etc...).
- [ADD] Option to allow hotlinking for custom domains.
1.1.1 (20/12/2022)
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [FIX] Issue with Add IP address button.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop 8.
1.1.0 (25/02/2022)
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [IMP] Copy and cut actions for disabling it.
- [ADD] Feature to ban access to Front-office by IP address.
- [ADD] Feature to ban access for bots.
- [ADD] Feature to ban access by countries.
- [FIX] Long touch issue in mobile devices.
1.0.9 (20/12/2020)
- [ADD] Disable selection in mobile devices.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [IMP] Disable select action enhanced.
- [IMP] Disable drag and drop action enhanced.
- [IMP] Disable long touch action enhanced in mobile devices included IOS.
1.0.8 (26/02/2020)
- [ADD] Option to disable developer console from shorkeys.
- [NEW] Module configuration page.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [ADD] Criteo in whitelist to allow hotlinking.
1.0.7 (30/09/2019)
- [ADD] Option to disable long touch in iPhone/iPad devices with iOS.
- [IMP] PHP code.
1.0.6 (06/09/2019)
- [FIX] IP address in whitelist doesn't work.
1.0.5 (05/03/2019)
- [FIX] Issue with all images when hotlinking is enabled.
- [ADD] Allow Search engine access to images when hotlinking is enabled.
- [IMP] Some improvements in PHP code.
1.0.4 (04/11/2018)
- [FIX] Issue with modal and disable selection option.
1.0.3 (20/06/2018)
- [FIX] Javascript issue with Jquery library.
1.0.2 (26/04/2018)
- [ADD] PrestaTrust feature.
1.0.0 (27/12/2017)
- First version developed.