[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora
2.0.3 (03/03/2025)
- [FIX] Issue with some string translations.
- [FIX] Issue with SOAP connection o AEAT API system. Updated data to send.
- [ADD] Compatibility and integration with module Customer Type OPC by PresTeamshop.
- [IMP] PHP code enhancements.
2.0.2 (28/01/2025)
- [ADD] Compatibility with PrestaShop 9.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Compatibility and integration with module One Page Checkout by PresTeamshop. (11/11/2024)
- [FIX] Issue validating DNI from Customer management section when customer uses different name during registration. (06/11/2024)
- [FIX] Issue during DNI validation because of permission denied for temporary certificate file generated.
- [IMP] PHP code enhancements. (30/10/2024)
- [FIX] Bug not allowing adding address with duplicated dni stored in deleted orders when option to not allow duplicated dni is activated.
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [IMP] PHP code for license system.
- [NEW] New 100% secure encryption system for certificate data. It is now impossible to steal certificate data if the module files are accessed. (14/10/2024)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Change validation icons in Customer Identification Number Management section. (30/08/2024)
- [NEW] License system.
- [FIX] Issue with Backend validation when module Advanced VAT Manager is enabled. (11/10/2023)
- [FIX] Issue with database error saving address when dni field is empty.
- [FIX] Visual issue with module admin tabs collapsed.
- [IMP] Security in source code.
2.0.0 (05/07/2023)
- [NEW] Major update.
- [NEW] Compatibility from Prestashop 1.7 to 1.8
- [NEW] NIF/CIF/DNI Validation engine with AEAT API using personal certificate.
- [IMP] Configuration page.
- [IMP] Code source enhacements.
- [ADD] Integration with module Advanced VAT Manager developed by us.
- [ADD] Integration with module One Page Checkout Prestashop developed by Presteamshop.
1.2.7 (30/05/2022)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying button to validate DNI in some versions of module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
- [FIX] BUG creating account in Prestashop 1.6 version.
1.2.6 (25/05/2022)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying button to validate DNI in module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
1.2.5 (21/01/2021)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying default label and legend in module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
1.2.4 (13/07/2021)
- [FIX] Issue in address form validation process when checkbox value hide the dni field (checkout process) in countries when dni field is required.
- [IMP] CSS code for checkboxes options container.
1.2.3 (04/04/2021)
- [FIX] Issue in address form validation process with some PS 1.7 versions.
- [FIX] Some traductions strings.
- [FIX] Warning messages displaying only when One Page Checkout PS module by Presteamshop is enabled.
- [IMP] Query to get identification numbers in BO analysis when ps_address table is too big.
- [IMP] Code for shops with thousands addresses.
- [NEW] Progress bar in BO analysis.
- [NEW] Timer for progress bar.
1.2.2 (11/01/2021)
- [DEL] Compatibility with RUT Validator module.
- [DEL] Some wrong strings in validation process.
- [ADD] Full country list even disabled countries.
- [FIX] Issue with NIE validation.
- [FIX] AdminAddresses validation when company selector option is enabled.
1.2.1 (05/01/2021)
- [ADD] Compatibility with PS
- [ADD] AJAX validation process in AdminAddress Controller to implement compatibility with PS
- [FIX] Override admin and front controller issues in Admin DNI validation process.
- [FIX] String spelling correction.
1.2.0 (15/12/2020)
- [NEW] Logo and box design.
- [DEL] Option to set the name of the input. Replaced to dropdown.
- [FIX] Issue no validating some valid CIF numbers.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [IMP] Validation system and process.
- [IMP] System to check and recognize identification number structure/type.
- [IMP] Validation in Open Page Checkout PS module.
- [IMP] Database analysis process to search not valid identification numbers. Now detec duplicated numbers.
- [NEW] Feature to manage identification numbers as required or optional field override the default Prestashop control.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module RUT Validator.
- [ADD] Option to validate in DNI or VAT number field.
- [ADD] Option to select the validation mode (strict or smart).
- [ADD] system to format documents in valid format (without hyphens or points).
- [ADD] Option to convert field in optional or required.
- [ADD] Option to display identification number only for companies.
- [ADD] Checkbox with configurable (multilanguage) options to show or hide identification number field.
- [ADD] Option to display identification number depends on option select in checkbox.
- [ADD] multilanguage text field options.
- [ADD] Feature to display "optional or required" string depends on option selected in Identification number condition.
1.1.2 (11/11/2020)
- [FIX] Issue analizing Identification numbers in database.
- [IMP] js code for compatibility with module One Page Checkout PS.
1.1.1 (04/06/2020)
- [FIX] Issue trying to validate document when user wants to register as customer in registration form with no dni input.
1.1.0 (15/05/2020)
- [IMP] Module configuration page.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Validation process in server side instead client side by AJAX.
- [IMP] Compatibility with One Page Checkout module by Presteamshop.
- [IMP] Compatibility with multistore mode.
- [NEW] Option to select country to validate DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF documents.
- [NEW] Option to select type of documents to validate.
- [NEW] Option to convert document format with letter in uppercase.
- [NEW] Option to set blacklist of documents to avoid customer registration with documents in blacklist.
- [NEW] Option to check and find documents just saved into database with bad format, empty fields, duplicated or invalid.
1.0.5 (05/08/2019)
- [FIX] Issues with override files in customer registration form.
1.0.4 (02/08/2019)
- [FIX] Issues NIE validation.
1.0.3 (13/06/2019)
- [ADD] Feature to validate Italian number format.
1.0.2 (18/04/2019)
- [ADD] Option to allow or not customer registration with duplicated identification numbers.
- [IMP] One Page Checkout module compatibility with new features.
1.0.1 (12/10/2018)
- [ADD] BO verification system.
- [ADD] Option to set name attribute value for dni input, make it compatible with all themes.
1.0.0 (25/07/2018)
- First version developed.