- Inicio
- Módulos y addons para PrestaShop. PrestaShop Addons.
- Módulo Advanced VAT Manager (Administración IVA)
Módulo Advanced VAT Manager (Administración IVA)
Advanced VAT Manager es el módulo de PrestaShop más completo y con muchas opciones avanzadas en relación a la administración de la exención de impuestos (IVA) para ventas dentro de las operaciones intracomunitarias, Reino Unido (Brexit) y Noruega (VOEC). Gestiona la exención de IVA y cobro de impuestos a consumidores y empresas. Comprueba y valida los números de IVA (VAT) mediante las API oficiales (VIES, GOV.UK...)
- Versión
- 1.7.4
- Compatibilidad
- PrestaShop 1.6
PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8
PrestaShop 9 - Requisitos mínimos
- Extensión CURL
Extensión SOAP - Multitienda compatible
- Sí
Puedes probar nuestro módulo sin compromiso antes de realizar la compra. Accede a nuestra tienda demo para poder ver todas las características del módulo, funcionalidades y comprobar si cumple con tus requisitos:
[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora
1.7.4 (28/01/2025)
- [ADD] Compatibility with PrestaShop 9.
- [IMP] Compatibility and integration with module One Page Checkout by PresTeamshop. (22/01/2025)
- [FIX] Critical issue with overrides HTMLTemplateInvoice and HTMLTemplateOrderSlip by bad coding. (17/01/2025)
- [FIX] Issue in some shops not returning resp in the cart evento entering in conflict with front.js file.
- [FIX] Issue with module International Phone Indicator v2.0.0 by Open Presta stoppng its event when change country value in address form.
- [FIX] Product Price container to be compatible with modules to change price in live depends on options.
- [IMP] Customer group management.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Equivalence surcharge by Dusnic. (03/12/2024)
- [FIX] Bug in override CarController.php causing error 500 adding to cart.
- [FIX] Bug in Cart using hook DisplayProductPriceBlock when product page is created by Creative Elements module using template.
- [IMP] Code enhancements.
- [IMP] Customer group assignation system during validation. (26/11/2024)
- [IMP] Code enhancements.
- [IMP] Some translations strings.
- [ADD] New License code features for PrestaShop Addons. (11/11/2024)
- [FIX] Critical BUG in CartController.php override with error 500 adding cart. (06/11/2024)
- [FIX] Critical BUG in CartController.php override with fatal error adding items in cart. (06/11/2024)
- [FIX] Issue when try to get company value when an address has not a company field in address format.
- [IMP] Compatibility enhancements with modules using same hook TaxManager and ActionTaxManager.
- [IMP] PHP code enhancements. (30/10/2024)
- [FIX] Bug during scan process causing it stops without ending.
- [FIX] Minor design issues.
- [FIX] Issue not allowing order even if the option to allow register wit a VAT invalid is activated.
- [FIX] Bug in currency Exchange system.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Mega Product by Alabazweb Pro.
- [IMP] PHP code. (03/10/2024)
- [NEW] Tax rule settings section to manage specific tax rules for companies and consumers and clients groups.
- [IMP] PHP code. (19/09/2024)
- [FIX] Issue (country_id missing) when install module in shops which have some european countries removed from database. (12/09/2024)
- [NEW] Option to disable customer groups for the option "use as default group". (20/08/2024)
- [FIX] Bug inserting module's custom order status when VAT is valid.
- [FIX] Minor bugs with variables. (05/08/2024)
- [FIX] Bug SOAP error launched using validation 2-ways for VIES system. (16/07/2024)
- [FIX] Issue when changing language in Frontend when customer is logged and shopping cart has products. (11/07/2024)
- [IMP] Postcode validation engine to fix PrestaShop zip format issue with iso code with value returned in VIES without iso code. (17/06/2024)
- [FIX] PHP code issue due array index.
- [FIX] Bug to add to cart in some Prestashop 1.7 versions.
- [FIX] Issue checking VAT number in VAT check tool when try to check VAT number with same shop country ISO Code.
- [FIX] Issue with cached address ID when it is not selected.
- [FIX] Issue calculating all Intra-community operations current year and last year for threashold instead only for consumers operations.
- [FIX] Translations issues.
- [FIX] Issue with non float total amounts in operation from order statistics.
- [IMP] API system validation enhacements.
- [IMP] PHP code enhacements.
- [IMP] Company name validation enhacements with accuracy threshold.
- [IMP] Group assignation engine system enhacements.
- [IMP] Visual enhacements.
- [ADD] Client type column (consumer/company) with representative icons into Orders and VAT table of module section.
- [ADD] Option to assign customer groups to companies with no VAT or invalid VAT but company field filled.
- [ADD] Option to assign customer groups to companies with no VAT or invalid VAT and company field empty.
- [ADD] Legend in Customers VAT Management section.
- [NEW] Company address validation via API with accuracy threshold. (25/03/2024)
- [FIX] Fatal error when add to cart action is perfomed when customer is logged. (11/03/2024)
- [FIX] Issue installing new database table.
- [FIX] Bug in PHP code. (28/02/2024)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] Bug adding duplicated iso code to VAT numbers automatically.
- [FIX] Brexit VAT exemption issue for shopping cart amount.
- [ADD] Feature to clean cart table generated from module to calculate Brexit and VOEC conditions. Remove the cookie function to do it because it was giving issues.
- [IMP] PHP Code. (06/02/2024)
- [FIX] Issue with country Greece ISO code.
- [FIX] Minor Bugs.
- [IMP] html classes added in product prices label and amounts to be able to customize styles separated.
- [ADD] Smart validation mode enhancement adding Country ISO code for numbers inserted by clients missing iso code at beginning for validation taking in consideration country selected in address form. (23/01/2024)
- [FIX] Issue with Cron jobs because of .htaccess security directive.
- [FIX] Issue requesting multiple AJAX in Prestashop 1.6 checkout form when more than one AJAX is executed from third party checkout modules.
- [FIX] Issue displaying order with taxes in customers with tax exemption when order is created from admin.
- [FIX] BUG with Greece VAT number validations.
- [FIX] Minor Bugs.
- [IMP] Delete VAT number process of Customer VAT number list deleting VAT number from ps_address table.
- [ADD] Option to allow register customer address even VAT number is not valid.
- [ADD] Information in FAQ section about error response from API. (12/12/2023)
- [FIX] Minor bug in UK VAT number validation API process.
- [FIX] Issue with module admin tabs collapsed.
- [FIX] Bug during customer VAT scanning process invalidating both duplicated VAT number instead the last one registered.
- [FIX] Issue with VOEC and Brexit option in shopping cart from currency conversion process when shop has multiple currencies.
- [FIX] Issue in tax exemption engine with module Geolocation and One Page Checkout & Social Login by ETS-Soft by using same hook TaxManager.
- [FIX] Issue validating the format of Malta VAT numbers.
- [FIX] Issue with country states selector when country selector value is handled in address form.
- [IMP] AJAX address generator process in FO.
- [IMP] Currency conversion process.
- [IMP] Customer VAT analysis form multi-store sharing customers.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Not allow checkout process messages and steps in Brexit and VOEC.
- [IMP] Security directives applied.
- [NEW] Option to not allow non VOEC products in shopping cart.
- [NEW] Option to display product price (prestashop standar, without tax, with tax, both).
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Geolocation (ets_geolocation) by ETS-Soft (01/08/2023)
- [FIX] Issue with JS variables in product page.
1.6.2 (05/07/2023)
- [FIX] Minor Bugs.
- [FIX] Bug when customer has not a group assigned during scanning process.
- [FIX] Bug allowing purchases for Brexit when user is register as guest instead customer.
- [FIX] Bug not calling back CustomersExemption class.
- [FIX] Bug in PHP code main file causing not VAT validation in adminAddress controllers.
- [ADD] Custom label and legend in vat_number field in AdminAddresses controller.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Advanced Invoice Builder and Custom Number.
- [ADD] Integration with module DNI/NIE/NIF/CIF Verificator developed by us.
1.6.1 (03/04/2023)
- [FIX] Minor issues in overrides files.
- [FIX] Minor Bug in invoices showing a 0 character at the end.
1.6.0 (15/03/2023)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Order management section with more statistical data and threshold limits indicators for intracommunity and VOEC sales operation.
- [IMP] Order management section including all intracommunitary ordes with VAT exempt and non VAT exempt.
- [IMP] Order list filters in Order management section including country data.
- [FIX] Bugs related to compatibility with oldest versions of Prestashop 1.6.0.X
- [FIX] Bug in CustomerAddressForm.php override affecting Prestashop version
- [ADD] Norway states installation.
- [ADD] Option to import orders to Order list in Orders management section.
- [ADD] Option to disable validation for Marketplaces modules like ManoMano or anothers.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Aliexpress by Linea Grafica.
- [NEW] VOEC regulation management for sales to Norway.
- [NEW] Section to refresh available currencies exchange rates also by CRON task to keep updated daily.
1.5.5 (13/02/2023)
- [FIX] Bug in php code affecting to OPC module by Presteamshop.
- [IMP] Improvements in validation system.
1.5.4 (02/02/2023)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] Issue removing customer group in countries where VAT validation is not included.
1.5.3 (19/01/2023)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Minor improvements.
- [IMP] Warning messages in addresses section and address form.
- [IMP] Warning messages in checkout process.
- [NEW] Warning messages not allowing order in One Page Checkout Prestashop module by Presteamshop.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Minimum and maximum purchase product quantity by Idnovate.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Hide the product prices and disallow purchases by categories, groups, and more by Idnovate.
- [ADD] Option to skip validation when API system fails in CRON task.
- [FIX] BUG in cron url format.
- [DEL] TaxRulesTaxManager class override only for Prestashop versions 1.7 or higher.
- [DEL] Product class override to avoid issue with thirty party modules using getPriceStatic() methods to display prices without taxes.
- [DEL] Address class override for unuseless.
- [DEL] Cart class override for unuseless.
1.5.2 (16/12/2022)
- [IMP] Some improvements for compatibility with Prestashop 8.
1.5.1 (13/12/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs with Prestashop 1.6 compatibility.
- [FIX] Search issue in Customer exemption section when try to search a customer.
- [FIX] Some issues in VAT validation and company validation process.
- [FIX] Issue in compatibility with module Payment With Fee by ETS-Soft.
- [FIX] Bug displaying zero amount in shipping cost tax breakdown table from invoices.
- [IMP] Cron task options.
- [IMP] Code for integration with the module One Page Checkout Prestashop by Presteamshop.
- [IMP] Minor improvements.
- [DEL] Option to override customer VAT address table in CRON task and Customer VAT management section.
1.5.0 (02/12/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [IMP] Some visual and validation system improvements.
- [IMP] Validation system to avoid issues validating wrong VAT numbers in wrong countries what happens in the execution of cron tasks to import orders in third-party modules.
- [IMP] PHP source code to improve behaviours and security.
- [IMP] Translations and adding more information text to understand better the options and features.
- [NEW] Option to remove the client from the previously assigned groups and assign it only to the group configured by country in this module.
- [NEW] Customer exemption management section to add VAT exempt by customers.
- [NEW] Option to set custom order states option to add when customer make orders with a valid VAT number or when API sytem fails after VAT validation process.
- [NEW] Option to send email to customer when make an order and API system fails after VAT validation process during address creation in checkout process.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop 8.
1.4.5 (23/11/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs during update process.
1.4.4 (04/11/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] Some issues in integration with module One Page Checkout Presteashop by Presteamshop.
- [FIX] Issue in multi-shop with vat exempt when customer validates VAT in one shop and buy from another shop within multishop mode.
- [FIX] Bug trying to filter customer VAT list by customer email.
- [FIX] Critical Bug with compatibility with module Payment With Fee by ETS-Soft.
- [IMP] Multishop mode features in Orders management and Customer VAT management sections.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module PayPal Plus (multi, fees, refunds, card, buy now / pay later,...) by Idnovate.
1.4.3 (27/10/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] Bug validating VAT number in Address form from BO when VAT field is not required and value is empty or not valid.
- [ADD] Compatibility with free module Ei Captcha by hhennes.
- [ADD] Compatibility with reCaptcha module by Charlie.
1.4.2 (19/10/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [ADD] Check compatibility with module Promotions and discounts - (3x2, reductions, campaigns) module by Idnovate.
1.4.1 (13/10/2022)
- [FIX] Critical BUG in Cart.php override calculating orders with tax but in removing tax in invoices.
- [FIX] Issues when loading some JS files in AdminModuleController for some Prestashop versions.
1.4.0 (12/10/2022)
- [IMP] PHP and JS source code.
- [IMP] Some visual enhancements.
- [IMP] Invalid VAT detection enhancements.
- [IMP] Customer groups assignation system.
- [IMP] PHP code adjustements to allow add address and validate VAT in Customer VAT Management section of the module when execute cron or process from another modules as ManoMano module or similar using its own class extending Address class.
- [IMP] Multi-shop features in database queries.
- [IMP] Rich text in invoice notes option.
- [FIX] Issue with Paypal Checkout with cart total amount.
- [FIX] Wrong email variables.
- [FIX] Tooltips not visible due popup small width.
- [FIX] Prestashop product price label displaying "Tax incl." for customers when price is tax exempt due valid VAT number.
- [FIX] URL request to check VAT in VIES because of server updated.
- [FIX] Issue cron task returning "Forbidden call".
- [FIX] BUG assigning default tax for customers with tax exempt when creating orders from BO.
- [FIX] BUG assigning customer groups without deleting old one when customer change country of same address previously saved in other customer group.
- [FIX] BUG deleting addresses, system is not deleting customer VAT records in table.
- [FIX] BUG validating VAT before inserting in the Blacklist option.
- [FIX] Deleting address process.
- [FIX] Issue executing CRON task for Prestashop 1.6 versions.
- [ADD] Detection during installation if minimum requeriments of php extensions are not installed or loaded.
- [ADD] Full compatibility of option to not allow orders with module Prestashop One Page Checkout Prestashop by Presteamshop.
- [ADD] New Columns to database table.
- [ADD] New section to check third party modules compatibility and integration.
- [ADD] Option to insert custom text in product price block when customer has a valid VAT number.
- [ADD] System to check VAT number from VAT Management table.
- [ADD] Option to check company name registered in VIES or GOV.UK for registered valid VAT number. Not allow registration for wrong companies names.
- [ADD] Option to auto-insert company name registered in VIES or GOV.UK for registered valid VAT number.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Payment With Fee by ETS-Soft
- [ADD] Compatibility with module ManoMano Module (MonEchelle) by Scale-DEV
- [NEW] New admin sections designed.
- [NEW] Orders management section.
- [NEW] Check VAT tool.
1.3.1 (12/09/2022)
- [FIX] JS issues.
- [IMP] Implemented compatibility with option to not allow orders for Prestashop version from 1.6.
- [ADD] Select option to not allow orders which amount exceed 135GBP or below to 135GBP.
1.3.0 (06/09/2022)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Compatibility with third party modules.
- [FIX] CSS issue in address form labels during checkout process when option to display with company is enabled.
- [FIX] Error message in addresses step (checkout) when vat_number field is optional in module but required in Prestashop option.
- [FIX] Error message during installation in Prestashop 1.6 due missing function getConversionRate().
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Advanced Rounding (Swiss Round 5ct, 10ct, and more) by Idnovate.
- [ADD] Content for compatibility instructions in module configuration page.
- [ADD] Legend in company field (Address form) when option to display VAT with company is enabled.
- [NEW] Brexit option to not allow orders which amount exceed of 135GBP.
1.2.4 (20/07/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs in files to get PHP 7.4 compatibility.
- [ADD] Full compatibility integrated with module One Page Checkout PS from version 5.0.0 by Presteamshop.
1.2.3 (13/07/2022)
- [FIX] Error 500 when "display only for company" option is enabled.
1.2.2 (04/07/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
1.2.1 (13/06/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
1.2.0 (06/06/2022)
- [ADD] Compatibility with module One Page Checkout Prestashop by Presteamshop since version 4.1.5.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Easy checkout by SUNNYTOO.COM.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module Free Shipping / Delivery by Zone, Carrier, Price and Weight by Linea Gráfica.
1.1.2 (30/05/2022)
- [FIX] BUG because of function missing getSymbol() in Prestashop version and older.
1.1.1 (14/05/2022)
- [FIX] Bug sending bad URL with iso code included in vat number through mails to verify VAT number via VIES.
1.1.0 (07/05/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs in files to get PHP 7.4 compatibility.
1.0.9 (05/05/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs in override files to get PHP 7.4 compatibility.
- [FIX] Issue with displaying price with tax when customer group is displaying price without tax.
- [FIX] Bug when UK country is removed and Brexit option is enabled.
1.0.8 (23/04/2022)
- [FIX] Minor BUG when modify address from order details because of hookActionCartSave.
1.0.7 (12/04/2022)
- [FIX] BUG redirecting to address form in checkout process when type something on company field.
- [FIX] Minor BUG.
- [IMP] PHP code.
1.0.6 (05/04/2022)
- [IMP] Warning message for not valid VT number when option "display for companies" are enabled.
- [FIX] Error in override file CustomerAddressForm.php for no defined function when module DNI Verificator is enabled.
- [FIX] Issues in Admin VAT verificator when VAt number is empty and field is optional.
- [FIX] Css issues in VAT Management section.
- [IMP] Performance in VAT number scanner.
1.0.5 (30/03/2022)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying ID column in VAT Management table.
- [FIX] Issue changing customer group by default when address is changed within same country.
- [FIX] Error 500 when adding products in cart.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Display Warning Message in addresses only when a customer has a invalid VAT number registered in one of his addresses.
- [IMP] Brexit feature meeting UK law for exportations to UK country.
- [ADD] Compatibility with overrides used in "DNI Verificator" and "RUT Validator" modules.
- [ADD] Historic table to save orders and notax records.
1.0.4 (25/02/2022)
- [ADD] Feature to select type of address for VAT exempt (invoice or delivery address).
- [FIX] Issue displaying taxes in Order Slips when customer made purchase with VAT exempt.
- [FIX] Tax details issues in Order slips and invoices.
1.0.3 (10/02/2022)
- [ADD] Feature to disable CRON options depends on incompatible option selected.
- [ADD] Compatibility with modules DNI Verificator and RUT Validator.
- [ADD] Feature to continue scanner process from last id address scanned (Useful when last scanner process finished with errors).
- [FIX] Issue not formatting VAT number in scanner process or cron process.
- [FIX] Minor BUGS.
- [FIX] BUG with hookActionCartSave.
- [FIX] BUG in Credit Slips displaying shipping tax amount in orders with tax exempt.
- [FIX] Issue in order details and validate order displaying taxes when customer is VAT exempt.
- [FIX] Customer VAT list filtering issues in some columns.
- [IMP] Abort scanner process code enhancement.
1.0.2 (05/01/2022)
- [FIX] Override issue by calling a function.
- [FIX] minor bugs.
- [FIX] Issue because of Prestashop cache displaying prices with TAX in homepage instead without TAX when customer has a address with valid VAT number.
- [FIX] Issue displaying incomplete address error message when VAT number field is optional and customer has empty this field.
- [NEW] Brexit rules for VAT exemption in amounts over 135 pounds.
- [NEW] Client group assignation by countries.
- [NEW] Client default group assignation by countries.
- [NEW] Assign client default group when address is change or selected in checkout process.
- [NEW] CRON task to check and validate customers VAT numbers.
- [ADD] System to validates UK VAT numbers for Brexit with GOV.UK API system.
- [ADD] feature to remove customer group assignation if the customer deletes or modifies his address with another one with no VAT valid or after modification, the customer has not a valid VAT number is one of his addresses.
- [IMP] Visual Popup for scanner in VAT management section.
1.0.1 (22/12/2021)
- [ADD] Override compatibility with modules DNI Verificator and RUT Validator.
- [IMP] PHP code.
1.0.0 (01/12/2021)
- First version developed.
A continuación, mostramos una lista de módulos desarrollados por terceros, y que son compatibles con el nuestro, sin que presenten ninguna anomalía en su funcionamiento. No obstante, la gran mayoría de módulos del mercado son compatibles con este módulo, a excepción de los módulos de Checkout, que es posible que presenten alguna incompatibilidad. Ante cualquier duda, puedes consultarnos.
- Módulo One Page Checkout & Social Login – PayPal, Stripe, COD de ETS-Soft
- Módulo Tarifa de pago y métodos de pago personalizados de ETS-Soft
- Geolocalización de ETS-Soft
- Módulo Easy checkout de SUNNYTOO.COM
- Módulo Advance Invoice, Delivery, Credit PDF + Custom Number de buy-addons
- Módulo Envío Gratis por Zona, Transportista, Peso y Precio de Linea Grafica
- Módulo Redondear precios (5ct, 10ct, .99, .95, Suizo, etc...) de Idnovate
- Módulo Promociones y descuentos (3x2, rebajas, ofertas, packs) de Idnovate
- Módulo PayPal Plus (con Recargo/Comisión, Pago con Tarjeta) de Idnovate
- Módulo ManoMano (MonEchelle) de Scale-DEV
- Módulo ManoMano de Alcalink
- Módulo gratuito Ei Captcha por hhennes
- Módulo re Captcha - Anti Spam - cuentas anti falsas de Charlie
- Módulo Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra de Idnovate
- Módulo Mínimos, máximos, múltiplos y límites de importe de Idnovate
- Módulo oficial Aliexpress por Línea Gráfica
- Módulo PDF Invoice Template + Delivery + Custom Number de Globo
- Payment With Fee: PayPal, COD y método de pago de PrestaHero
- Mega Product de Alabazweb Pro
- Módulo Recargo de Equivalencia de Dusnic
One Page Checkout de Presteamshop
Se ha desarrollado la integración completa con el módulo One Page Checkout de Presteamshop (desde versión 4.1.5 usando la interface del Checkout V5), para que todas las funciones y características de nuestro módulo funcionen en la página de checkout administrada por este módulo.
Si está usando un módulo de terceros para Checkout que no figura en la lista es posible que no sea compatible. Consúltenos.
Una vez adquirido el producto, recibirás un código de licencia LIFETIME para poder hacer uso del módulo de manera indefinida en el dominio que indiques. Además, en el precio de la compra se incluye derecho a soporte técnico durante los 12 meses siguientes. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, tendrás la opción de renovar el periodo de soporte técnico por 12 meses, abonando el coste del servicio.
Si quieres más información acerca de las condiciones de licencia, por favor, visita el siguiente link