Module Super TinyMCE PRO - Advanced Content Editor

Module Super TinyMCE PRO - Advanced Content Editor

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The Super TinyMCE PRO module is an editor based on TinyMCE 5. It has professional and advanced features, image editor, Bootstrap functions, icons, and more additional plugins to edit the content of pages, products, categories and others. With this module you can make advanced designs in the content without limits. Replaces the PrestaShop editor.


Module to display rich text editor and html to edit content in PrestaShop stores

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2 25% €30.00
3 30% €53.99
5 50% €149.98
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What is Super TinyMCE PRO module?

PrestaShop, by default, shows a very basic editor to edit the contents of the website. For this reason, users are limited to editing simple content and with little possibility of making advanced designs if they do not have knowledge of HTML.

To facilitate editing and allow users to build advanced elements in the web content, we have developed this professional module.

The Super TinyMCE PRO module replaces the default PrestaShop editor with a totally professional and advanced one, allowing the user to create designs and content easily and with very professional finishes.

Edit your web content easily, simply and very comfortably, having all the buttons organized and functions at your fingertips, in addition Enjoy many more editing possibilities with additional plugins.

Contains more than 1000 font family types, so you can edit your content without font restrictions , you can even insert custom font family types. You can also customize the editor skin styles.

Even through one of its options, you can customize the places where you want the editor to be displayed. Includes option to show the editor in the CONTACT FORM.

In addition, it has a very complete configuration page, from where you can customize many options and parameters to make the editor works to suit you.

We have incorporated other third-party plugins developed by ourselves so that the user can use more functionalities (YouTube videos, file manager, Flickr, Readmore, etc...)

With Super TinyMCE PRO you will edit your products, categories, CMS pages, etc... as if you were doing it from professional editors like Microsoft Word or similar. You will have all the elements available to make content edits with a very professional look.

This module replaces the default PrestaShop editor, it even shows the editor in the CMS category descriptions, Email Translations and in the contact form.


It is possible to show the editor in the desired text areas by indicating its ID value or by controller. This feature expands compatibility between modules developed by third parties that use their own editor. In this way you can replace the editor used by these modules with the Super TinyMCE PRO editor.

"Super TinyMCE PRO is the best-selling Prestashop content editor"

Module features

  • Editor Based on the latest version of the official TinyMCE 5 editor.
  • Multilanguage.
  • Over 1000 new font families.
  • Option to add custom font family.
  • Option to add custom font sizes.
  • Option to indicate default font size and family.
  • Option to show the editor in the text areas by ID name and by controller. Improves support for displaying the editor in modules developed by third parties.
  • More additional plugins.
  • Option to open links in a pop-up window.
  • Pop-up window alert when the maximum word limit in the content is reached.
  • Option to force hide the editor in controllers and modules.
  • New file manager system to navigate through the entire store directory.
  • Option to use the FontAwesome 5 and Bootstrap libraries in the Back-office and Frontend.
  • Option to navigate from any store directory for the File Manager plugin .
  • Option to use relative or absolute URLs.
  • Option to customize the editor and insert custom CSS code.
  • Very complete emoji plugin.
  • Various skins available for the editor. Custom skins can be created.
  • Predefined format styles.
  • Bugs in the default Prestashop editor are corrected.
  • Option to show the editor in the contact form.
  • The editor is shown in the description of the CMS categories.
  • Advanced configuration page from the Back-office.
  • CSS editor with syntax function.
  • Uninstall function without leaving a trace of the module.
  • Compatible with modules that use the default Prestashop editor.



The following additional plugins are included to add features and functionality to content editing:

  • Bootstrap: Editing Bootstrap elements.
  • Grid Editor (Bootstrap 4): Grid container editor in Bootstrap.
  • Grid Editor (Bootstrap 5): Grid container editor in Bootstrap.
  • Flickr: Plugin for insert images from Flickr.
  • Readmore: Plugin for insert content with readmore function (Extends the content to press "read more").
  • Flags: Plugin that shows list of flags of all countries to insert them in the editor.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Plugin to configure keyboard shortcuts for different elements of edition.
  • Code Mirror: Plugin for display the source code with syntax function.
  • FileManager: Plugin for Browse files from the entire store directory or by folders specific.
  • Youtube: Show videos of youtube embedded from urls.
  • Font Awesome 5 Icons: Insert icons Font Awesome 5.
  • Boostrap 5 Icons: Insert icons Boostrap 5.
  • Twemoji: Insert Twemoji emoticons.
  • Attribute editor: Edit the class, name and ID attributes of HTML elements.
  • Text language: Indicates the lang attribute with the selected language in each created text.
  • Mathematical formulas: Insert fully customized mathematical formulas.
  • MathJax: Plugin for insert mathematical symbols and fonts.
  • Image from web: upload and Save images from the web to insert into content.
  • QR code editor: edit QR codes.
  • Power paste: paste the content while maintaining formatting and styles from external sources such as Microsoft Word.
  • Acronym tags: Insert tags into the acronyms in the text content.
  • Loremipsum plugin: Insert example text Loreimpsum.
  • POWR Integration: Plugin that integrates elements created by the POWR platform. HE you need to create a customer account on this platform to be able to use this plugin.
  • Phone preview: Plugin to view edited content in mobile version.
  • Phone Link: Complement to insert phone numbers in the link.
  • Title case: Plugin to control the capitalization or lowercase of words.


The main places where the editor is displayed are indicated. It may also be displayed in other places and modules.

  • Product catalogue.
  • Product categories.
  • Manufacturers and suppliers.
  • CMS page categories.
  • CMS pages.
  • Translation of email templates.
  • Front-office contact form.
  • In all places where the default editor of Prestashop.
  • Compatible with 99% of editors using other editor modules third parties.


Edit Creative Elements texts with our Super TinyMCE Pro editor

What are the main advantages of purchasing this module?


  • You will be able to edit product pages, CMS categories, etc. . with advanced and professional content and in the easiest and fastest way.
  • You will not have any limitations for editing content. You can even insert Javascript and CSS code within the content to create dynamic functionalities.


  • The editor can be displayed in the contact form. Users and clients will be able to send messages with HTML content from the contact form easily and quickly, without having knowledge of HTML.
    PrestaShop 1.6
    PrestaShop 1.7
    PrestaShop 8
    Multishop compatibility
    Manuel P.  -  
    El mejor módulo que existe para editar contenido en PrestaShop. Tiene muchas opciones de edición y elementos Bootstrap. Me ayudaron en la instalación y configuración.


    [DEL] = Element removed
    [NEW] = New element
    [ADD] = Feature added
    [FIX] = Bug fixed
    [ IMP] = Improvement (15/10/2024)

    - [FIX] Minor bugs.

    6.3.6 (08/10/2024)

    - [FIX] Minor bugs.
    - [FIX] Bug adding short description with module BLOG - Drive High Traffic & Boost SEO by PrestaHero.
    - [IMP] PHP code enhancements.
    - [ADD] Compatibility with Creative Elements module since version 6.11.0.

    6.3.5 (26/09/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue with ENTER key not generating new block.
    - [IMP] PHP code.
    - [IMP] Accordion plugin enhacements.

    6.3.4 (22/08/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue with function Tools::hashIV() in PrestaShop versions 1.6.
    - [FIX] Issue with img folder configuration from FileManager in PrestaShop 1.6 versions.
    - [ADD] New license feature.

    6.3.3 (30/05/2024)

    - [IMP] Editor performance.
    - [NEW] Option to manage code source identation.

    6.3.2 (02/05/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue not displaying editor in AdminTranslations controller in PrestaShop 8 versions.
    - [ADD] Bootstrap elements PRO plugin.
    - [IMP] Code improvement.

    6.3.1 (05/04/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue with File Manager icon dissapeared in image plugin.
    - [FIX] Bug displaying error in FO when no extra plugin is selected.
    - [ADD] Option to select float style in image plugin.
    - [IMP] Code improvement.

    6.3.0 (25/03/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue with non writable style input in Image advanced tools.
    - [FIX] Issue not displaying File Manager due security block from htaccess file protection.
    - [FIX] Visual editor issue with some third party modules.
    - [IMP] Bootstrap 4 grid plugin updated.
    - [IMP] Option to set different browser file directories for each shop in multishop mode.
    - [ADD] Option to insert code to import custom fonts.
    - [NEW] Default Plugin Change case.
    - [NEW] Bootstrap accordion plugin. (29/02/2024)

    - [FIX] Issue with CORS error due blocked content from Browser.
    - [FIX] Issue with JS tinymce instance.
    - [ADD] Option to insert custom elements for html content as style tags, etc... (18/01/2024)

    - [ADD] Update TinyMCE version to 5.10.9
    - [FIX] Issue with disabled save and cancel buttons in Product edit page (Admin side) even whe you change content in editor. (12/08/2023)

    - [FIX] Misssing JS and CSS files in File Manager plugin.

    6.2.1 (15/03/2023)

    - [FIX] Security breach in File Manager plugin.
    - [FIX] Bug in File Manager plugin with PHP 8 versions.
    - [ADD] Update TinyMCE version to 5.10.7

    6.2.0 (08/11/2022)

    - [FIX] Minor Bugs.
    - [FIX] Fontawesome 5 library conflicts with themes which is loading Fontawesome 4.
    - [FIX] Issues blocking edit inputs of plugins when tinymce editor is executed inside a modal windows.
    - [IMP] Update Tinymce to version 5.10.6
    - [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop version 8.0
    - [ADD] Fontawesome 4 library.
    - [NEW] Case plugin (Plugin to convert content to uppercase and lowercase).
    - [NEW] Phone link plugin (Plugin to insert phone links inside text).

    6.1.9 (12/10/2022)

    - [FIX] Issue inserting bad html code when use fontawesome icon plugin.
    - [FIX] Issue inserting icons as media object with Bootstrap icons plugin.
    - [IMP] Update Fontawesome icon plugin
    - [IMP] Update Fontawesome icons to version 5.15.4 and use CDN server instead local files.
    - [IMP] Update Bootstrap to version 5.2.2/4.6.2 and use CDN server instead local files.
    - [IMP] Update tinyMCE to version 5.10.5
    - [ADD] Option to enable or disable display blocks by default in editor content.
    - [ADD] Option to select type of bullet link style.

    6.1.8 (28/03/2022)

    - [FIX] Issue with align text function.

    6.1.7 (25/03/2022)

    - [IMP] Update Bootstrap library version 5.1.3
    - [IMP] Update Fontawesome library version 5.15.14
    - [IMP] Update TinyMCE editor version to 5.10.3
    - [IMP] Update Plugin Fontawesome icons to 5.15.14
    - [IMP] Update Codemirror library to 5.65.2
    - [IMP] Readmore plugin to allow multiple readmore containers in same page.
    - [ADD] More block formats options to insert.
    - [ADD] More formats options.
    - [ADD] More line heights formats.
    - [NEW] Phone preview plugin.
    - [NEW] MathJax plugin.

    6.1.6 (12/11/2021)

    - [IMP] Update TinyMCE editor to 5.10.1 version.
    - [IMP] Update plugin FontAwesome 5 Icons with 5.15.4 official icons version. Added French and Italian languages.
    - [IMP] Update CodeMirror library to version 5.63.3
    - [FIX] Accents in plugin Image From Web for spanish language.
    - [NEW] Plugin Boostrap icons.
    - [NEW] Plugin Boostrap 5 Grid.
    - [NEW] Plugin Text language attribute.
    - [NEW] Plugin Edit Attributes.
    - [NEW] Plugin Twemoji.
    - [NEW] Plugin POWR integration.
    - [NEW] Plugin ABBR Tags for Acronyms.
    - [NEW] Plugin LoremIpsum text content for example.
    - [ADD] Bootstrap 5 libraries.
    - [ADD] Multistore compatibility with PS 1.7.8
    - [DEL] Plugins 'bbcode', 'fullpage', 'legacyoutput', and 'spellchecker' deleted for deprecated.
    - [DEL] Option "Convert Font to span" for deprecated.
    - [DEL] TinyMCE configuration parameters as deprecated.

    6.1.5 (27/08/2021)

    - [FIX] Minor BUG in PHP code.
    - [FIX] Issue saving modules and AdminControllers in module configuration page.
    - [IMP] PHP code.

    6.1.4 (28/07/2021)

    - [FIX] Minor BUG in PHP code.

    6.1.3 (19/07/2021)

    - [FIX] Issue reseting editor when notifications ajax process is executed.

    6.1.2 (02/07/2021)

    - [NEW] Plugin Grid editor (Bootstrap 4)
    - [IMP] PHP Code.
    - [IMP] Update TinyMCE editor version to 5.8.2
    - [ADD] Languages FR, DE, RU, IT, PL, PT

    6.1.1 (02/06/2021)

    - [FIX] Issue with not hiding editor in some modules when the module is selected in the option to hide the editor.

    6.1.0 (10/05/2021)

    - [NEW] Powerpaste plugin.
    - [NEW] Image from web plugin.
    - [FIX] Issue when inserting style tags and some html elements.
    - [FIX] Word counter.
    - [FIX] Issue with not displying editor in contact form due a load libraries issue.
    - [ADD] Alert popup when maximum word limit has been reached in content.
    - [ADD] Option to force to hide editor in Admin Controllers.
    - [ADD] Option to force to hide editor in Modules.
    - [IMP] Update tinyMCE version to 5.8.0
    - [IMP] PHP Core.
    - [IMP] Defer attribute in main tinymce libraries.

    6.0.9 (15/04/2021)

    - [FIX] Critical security breach in FileManager plugin.

    6.0.8 (07/03/2020)

    - [NEW] Compatibility with Blog module by ETS-Soft.
    - [NEW] Compatibility with Advanced CMS module by Silbersaiten.
    - [NEW] Lightbox feature in links (Open links in a modal windows).
    - [IMP] PHP code.
    - [IMP] Compatibility with ajax call process to display editor.
    - [ADD] JQuery plugin 'tagify' only in module configuration page.

    6.0.7 (07/03/2021)

    - [FIX] Critical issue removing jQuery library from admin and causing multiple js issues.
    - [FIX] Issue displaying editor in Visual composer due AJAX process.
    - [FIX] Issue "Fatal error" in override file when module is disabled.
    - [IMP] Full Visual composer compatibility in backend and frontend editor.
    - [IMP] Code to load libraries in FO only in contact-form page.
    - [DEL] ui.widget library to avoid issues with visual Composer.
    - [DEL] JQuery plugin 'tagify'.

    6.0.6 (22/02/2021)

    - [FIX] Issue with tpl code.
    - [IMP] PHP code.

    6.0.5 (16/02/2021)

    - [FIX] Issue with Creative Elements module (Elementor based pagebuilder) and theme Warehouse. Editor is not displayed in Elementor Builder to avoid conflicts.
    - [FIX] Issue with links adding domain automatically in mail variables.
    - [DEL] Removed plugin N1ED integration due they removed free plan offer for our customers.
    - [ADD] Plugin Mathematical formulas.
    - [ADD] Plugin FontAwesome icons.
    - [NEW] Option to select theme mode in mobile devices.
    - [IMP] Update FontAwesome library version to 5.15.2
    - [IMP] Update Tinymce version to 5.7.0

    6.0.4 (05/02/2021)

    - [FIX] issue creating language file in plugins folder.

    6.0.3 (14/12/2020)

    - [FIX] issue in loading speed from email translations for multiple editor instances at same time.
    - [FIX] Issue because editor is displayed in SEO meta description textarea.

    6.0.2 (11/12/2020)

    - [IMP] PHP and JS Code.
    - [IMP] Compatibility with modules using editor.
    - [FIX] Javascript issues when SupertinyMCE Pro editor is displayed instead module editor or default editor.
    - [ADD] Option to distplay the SupertinyMCE Pro editor in modules using own editor or custom places where user wants to use it.

    6.0.1 (05/11/2020)

    - [NEW] Version with many improvements, bug fixed, features...
    - [NEW] N1ED integration.

    5.1.9 (16/04/2020)

    - [FIX] Issue not displaying readmore plugin in product categories and CMS pages.

    5.1.8 (22/03/2020)

    - [FIX] Issue with CSS and Js files in frontend from PS 1.7.6

    5.1.7 (19/01/2020)

    - [FIX] Issues renaming original files when install and reset module.

    5.1.6 (07/01/2020)

    - [FIX] Visual issue in Product categories for new version and

    5.1.5 (01/12/2019)

    - [FIX] Visual issue in Product categories.

    5.1.4 (23/10/2019)

    - [ADD] "Read more" button plugin.

    5.1.3 (26/09/2019)

    - [FIX] Prestashop 1.7.6 issue in cms pages, editor didn't work.
    - [FIX] Warning message with PHP version 7.0 or newest.

    5.1.1 (05/08/2019)

    - [FIX] Issue with js and css load in BO in Prestashop 1.7.6

    5.1.0 (18/02/2019)

    - [FIX] Issue with advice message when memory_limit is set on -1.
    - [FIX] Issue with advice message when image caption is disabled.

    5.0.9 (08/01/2019)

    - [FIX] Issue with duplicated Addons class in PS17.

    5.0.8 (18/10/2018)

    - [FIX] Memory limit warning issue.
    - [FIX] Some PHP code issues.
    - [FIX] Issue extracting addons from remote server.

    5.0.7 (16/10/2018)

    - [FIX] Image browser upload button disappeared.
    - [ADD] Editor max-height and min-height option for autoresize feature.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE version updated.
    - [IMP] Responsive FileManager plugin version updated.

    5.0.6 (04/07/2018)

    - [FIX] Issue with curl option when try to download addons.

    5.0.5 (29/03/2018)

    - [ADD] Align plugin.
    - [FIX] Increase time to copy new version addon from external link.

    5.0.4 (24/03/2018)

    - [FIX] Issue with lineheigth plugin writing code on
    - [FIX] Error 404 with custom.css file in server.
    - [ADD] PrestaTrust feature.

    5.0.3 (21/06/2017)

    - [FIX] Issue when call custom.css file.
    - [FIX] Issue with DOCTYPE tag on fullpage options.
    - [FIX] php code error with empty post.
    - [FIX] Folder permissions 755 on temp/thumbs folder.
    - [FIX] TinyMCE constraint.
    - [IMP] Check modified file function when Prestashop version is updated.
    - [IMP] Add feature to install module only for PHP version 5.5 or higher to avoid php errors.
    - [ADD] Add new plugin "Keyboard shortcut editor".

    5.0.1 (09/04/2017)

    - [FIX] installation issues in PS1.7.1.0
    - [FIX] php code calling Functions class.

    5.0.0 (01/03/2017)

    - [DEL] Liespell plugin.
    - [DEL] Imagefromweb plugin.
    - [DEL] Minion skin.
    - [NEW] Major updates.
    - [NEW] Configuration page with new features.
    - [NEW] Major updates.
    - [NEW] Additional plugins.
    - [NEW] File manager system.
    - [NEW] Fontawesome pack.
    - [NEW] Bootstrap pack.
    - [NEW] Advanced Addons panel.
    - [NEW] Addons Update and installation features.
    - [NEW] Error and warning message based on code.
    - [NEW] Intelligent system to detect configuration and avoid issues.
    - [NEW] Logo and Module box.
    - [ADD] Buttons link styles.
    - [ADD] Extra formats styles.
    - [ADD] Multi-shop ready.
    - [ADD] Supports Prestashop 1.7
    - [ADD] Compatibility Visual Composer module.
    - [ADD] Compatibility Smartshortcode module.
    - [ADD] Compatibility Ap page builder module.
    - [ADD] Compatibility Products Extra tabs module.
    - [IMP] PHP code.
    - [IMP] CSS code.
    - [IMP] Skins styles.
    - [IMP] Spell checker plugin.
    - [IMP] CSS editor area with syntax feature.
    - [FIX] Minor bug fixed.

    4.0.9 (15/12/2016)

    - [FIX] Issues with Category CMS descriptions option.
    - [IMP] Code to backup and restore files.

    4.0.8 (06/12/2016)

    - [FIX] Issues with image links.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE editor updated to version 4.5.0

    4.0.7 (27/11/2016)

    - [FIX] Issues with bootstrap accordion with data-toggle and data-parent html elements in links.
    - [FIX] CSS issues with text-area in module configuration page.
    - [FIX] Issue with google fonts in https protocol.
    - [FIX] HTML options didn't work properly.
    - [FIX] Change "relative url" default option to disable to avoid issues with image urls.
    - [FIX] Restore default settings with keeping editor enabled.
    - [FIX] improve Backup functions to avoid issues with original files restored.
    - [ADD] Warming message if HTMLPurifier Library option is enabled manually.
    - [ADD] Function to disable HTMLPurifier Library option when the SupertinyMCE editor is enabled (to avoid html issues).
    - [ADD] Function to get full shop url to set in URL Base option.
    - [IMP] Plugin paste with powerpaste functions. Now you can paste from documents (Ex:Microsoft Office).

    4.0.5 (03/11/2016)

    - [FIX] Some javascript conflicts.
    - [FIX] Language issues in file.
    - [FIX] Language issue in module php file.
    - [IMP] Language editor updated (Add new languages).
    - [IMP] Bootstrap plugin updated.
    - [ADD] Icon select in Bootstrap plugin.
    - [ADD] Bootstrap plugin mode selector (Dropdown or Button group).
    - [ADD] Option to set name of Bootstrap Plugin Dropdown.

    4.0.2 (18/09/2016)

    - [FIX] link classes with "normal link" class added.
    - [FIX] Show content in Advanced user configuration section.

    4.0.1 (09/09/2016)

    - [FIX] little fix in php code wrong.

    4.0.0 (07/09/2016)

    - [NEW VERSION] New version release with big functional changes.
    - [ADD] Advanced user section to modify editor setup file directly.
    - [ADD] CodeMirror plugin.
    - [ADD] CodeSample plugin.
    - [ADD] Matheditor plugin.
    - [ADD] QRcodeeditor plugin.
    - [ADD] Bootstrap plugin (Buttons, tables, texts, snippets, etc...).
    - [ADD] 699 new font families.
    - [ADD] Links classes (Bootstrap buttons).
    - [ADD] Panel to advice if there is a new version of "smileys" and "Liespell dictionaries".
    - [IMP] New features and no code generator. Editor changes are made directly.
    - [IMP] New module configuration page.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE editor setup with improvements.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE editor updated to version 4.4.3
    - [IMP] PHP code to fix some issues.
    - [IMP] Navigation menu with visual changes and more useful.
    - [ADD] Adds SupertinyMCE PRO editor in CMS category description.
    - [ADD] Compatibility with AP page builder module.
    - [ADD] New Skin "Minion".

    3.2.1 (29/04/2016)

    - [FIX] Some installation files issues.

    3.2.0 (24/04/2016)

    - [FIX] Fontawesome css issues.

    3.1.9 (03/04/2016)

    - [FIX] Some javascripts issues.

    3.1.8 (19/02/2016)

    - [ADD] Youtube plugin.
    - [ADD] superTinyMCE menu.

    3.1.6 (18/02/2016)

    - [FIX] Issue with Language options in code generator.
    - [IMP] Smileys icon pack installer.

    3.1.5 (12/02/2016)

    - [ADD] Preview options.
    - [ADD] New Code Sample plugin.
    - [ADD] New Liespell plugin for spell checking function.
    - [ADD] Autoresize options.
    - [ADD] Button to install Language pack for Liespell.
    - [ADD] Button to install icon pack for Smileys plugin.
    - [ADD] New skins
    - [IMP] TinyMCE editor updated version 4.3.4
    - [FIX] Skins code to fix some icons issue.
    - [FIX] Some issues with css and php code.

    3.1.1 (30/01/2016)

    - [IMP] Code improvement to backup tinymce original plugins

    3.1.0 (09/01/2016)

    - [IMP] TinyMCE languages.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE plugins updated.
    - [IMP] TinyMCE editor updated version 4.3.2
    - [IMP] Fontawesome plugin updated.
    - [IMP] Code improvement to refresh and clean browser cache to see changes without to push CRTL+F5 after sending code generated.
    - [IMP] code improvement to select all code generated by clicking on text area.
    - [IMP] Code improvement to avoid write empty codes in tinyMCE editor
    - [ADD] New Enmoticons and Minions icons plugin.

    3.0.3 (25/11/2015)

    - [FIX] installation error in servers without php_zip extension.

    3.0.2 (16/11/2015)

    - [ADD] button to delete file class_index.php.

    3.0.1 (10/11/2015)

    - [IMP] Use own Fontawesome css instead writting global.css file of Prestashop theme.
    - [IMP] Some configuration parameters.
    - [IMP] PHP code impromevents.
    - [ADD] Css custom.
    - [ADD] Link class parameters.

    3.0.0 (01/11/2015)

    - First version developed.
    - [ADD] button to delete file class_index.php.

    3.0.1 (10/11/2015)

    - [IMP] Use own Fontawesome css instead writting global.css file of Prestashop theme.
    - [IMP] Some configuration parameters.
    - [IMP] PHP code impromevents.
    - [ADD] Css custom.
    - [ADD] Link class parameters.

    3.0.0 (01/11/2015)

    - First version developed.


    Once you purchase the product, you will receive a LIFETIME license code to be able to use the module indefinitely on the domain you indicate. In addition, the purchase price includes the right to technical support for the following 12 months. Once that time has passed, you will have the option to renew the technical support period for 12 months, paying the cost of the service.

    If you want more information about the license conditions, please visit the following link

    License Conditions