On the one hand, LIEWEBS , on the other hand THE CLIENT (hereinafter "THE CUSTOMER"), agree to the following terms of this service contract:
LIEWEBS reserves the right to accept any request for services from THE CUSTOMER. It will be understood that an order has been accepted when THE CUSTOMER fills out and sends the purchase request from our website or when a correctly completed and signed quote acceptance is made. By virtue of RD 1906/1999, which regulates remote contracting carried out by telephone, electronically or telematically, this contract is valid and is understood to be signed by THE CLIENT when contracting the web hosting hosting services.

The acceptance of these CLAUSES will imply the formalization of the contract between THE CLIENT and LIEWEBS, which will be valid from the date of acceptance of this document.



The purpose of this contract is the provision of web design and development services, web technical support, web hosting, design and development of web applications and Software for different platforms and operating systems, and resale of licensing and services where Liewebs has a contract of Partnership with other companies. The types of service provision are classified within the following categories:

  • Web Hosting
  • Dedicated cloud servers
  • VPS Servers
  • Software subscription service
  • Design and development of web pages and online stores
  • Design and development of web applications and PrestaShop modules
  • Web maintenance plans
  • Sale of modules for PrestaShop
  • Technical supports
  • Web optimization
  • Web disinfection
  • Other services analogous or derived from the above.


Once the client purchases the service, either through our digital service sales platform or through any other form of contracting available, LIEWEBS will create a client account within its client panel located at https://www.panel .liewebs.com

The CUSTOMER may have access to invoices, projects carried out and in force, messaging service and to send support tickets directly with LIEWEBS, request for quotes, etc...

The CUSTOMER may always request the CANCELLATION and complete deletion of your customer account by LIEWEBS, upon request by email and 14 days prior to the effective date of cancellation.

Prior to providing the service and depending on the type of service contracted, LIEWEBS may require the client to sign a commercial contract with specific conditions on the contracted service, which the CLIENT must sign, digitally, through the platform. This Contract, where applicable, will complement the general conditions contained herein in its clauses.

Generally, the contracting of the service is subject to advance payment, with exceptions such as software development, design of online stores or websites, or other services, which, given their nature, entail a long development time. In these cases, LIEWEBS will request a first advance payment for the service and successive payments during the service development process, until the moment of its delivery, when the last payment will be required before the complete delivery of the service.


The conditions stipulated in this clause encompass the following services, also indicating the particularities of each of those indicated in separate clauses:

  • Urgent and non-urgent technical support (day and night hours).
  • Hiring non-urgent technical support hour packages

3.1 Purpose of the service

LIEWEBS will provide these services at the request of the CLIENT and with the sole purpose of providing technical assistance to meet the objectives of each contracted service. In general, these services are intended to resolve errors or incidents. Improvement in the functionality and performance of platforms, servers, or their elements.

In this case LIEWEBS undertakes to comply with the result of the service and meet the committed objectives. In the event that the CLIENT does not obtain the promised result and it is for a reason directly attributable to malpractice, poor quality or obvious deficiencies in the service provided, LIEWEBS undertakes to fully refund the costs of the service, provided that the CLIENT can demonstrate this situation with objective and reliable data.

3.2 Priority and preference

The priority in providing the Technical Support service is entirely managed by LIEWEBS and is based on the following parameters:

  • Existing work queue at the time of contracting the service, grouping each service with the same typology (urgent, ordinary, technical support for contracted web maintenance plans...)
  • At no time is LIEWEBS obliged to provide, immediately or with urgent priority, skipping that work queue, NON-URGENT technical support that the CLIENT has contracted.
  • LIEWEBS, prior to contracting, will inform the client of the temporary and estimated availability for the provision of the service, being able to plan, exceptionally and depending on the workload, the service with a response similar to that of urgent priority, without With this, it is detrimental to the client's demand for the provision of future services.
  • Urgent technical support has absolute priority over other ordinary services.

3.3 Schedules and response times in the provision of the service

Office hours (daytime): Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00
Night hours: Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 09:00 Hours for urgent service provision: 24 hours, 365 days.

Ordinary technical support (daytime and nighttime)

will always be provided during office hours (daytime) and the rest during nighttime hours, and will be subject to a work queue. Generally they will be processed and planned within 7 days of being hired, unless they may be delayed due to exceptional workload situations. In any case, the service will be provided within a reasonable period of time from the moment of contracting.

Urgent technical support (day and night)

Urgent technical support can be provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and will have a maximum response and processing time of 1 hour, counting from the moment of contracting. Depending on the time (day or night) this service will be provided within the described time slot.
In case of query or request, by the CUSTOMER, for urgent technical support service by sending an email. LIEWEBS does not guarantee the maximum response time, due to the delay that may exist in reading the client's request and depending on the time it is sent.

3.4 Technical support hour packages

The CUSTOMER may contract packages of technical support hours. These hours will be used as ordinary technical support and always within office hours. The CUSTOMER must request the work by sending support tickets within the customer panel, once logged into their account.

The hour packages may be used for any task included within the technical support service, excluding tasks classified independently as an exclusive service plan (web optimization, database migration, development of modules and web applications, etc. .). For the latter, LIEWEBS will provide the service for a fixed cost previously agreed upon with the CUSTOMER.

Hour packages have an expiration period of 3 months , counting from the date of contracting them. Outside of this period, the hours of the package that remain to be used will expire immediately.

The CLIENT will have access to the effective times used in each of the requested tasks, in order to know the remaining time left to exhaust the service. The service will end when all contracted hours expire, either due to their use in the tasks requested by the CLIENT, or due to their expiration.


LIEWEBS, once the services have been completed, will deliver to the CLIENT a technical report with all the data related to the provision of the service, as well as details of the work carried out and the modifications made. This report may be delivered in PDF format or as information included in the different tasks created from the client panel on the contracted service. LIEWEBS will deliver to the CLIENT, along with this report, any additional material it deems appropriate according to the nature of the service provided.


PrestaShop modules are sold in the LIEWEBS store through its web portal located at https://shop.liewebs.com. The amounts for each of its products may vary over time, without this entailing any harm to the person who purchased the product prior to the change.

The total amount of the module includes a period of technical support, during which the CUSTOMER may have access to technical assistance and be able to download updated versions of the module.

Because PrestaShop is an Open Source platform and any owner or proprietor of a PrestaShop online store can access its code, make modifications, have undetected vulnerabilities, not have proper maintenance or hosting, and other types of situations, LIEWEBS does not guarantee or accept responsibility for any impact of any kind that may arise from the installation and use of its marketed modules. However, all modules sold have technical support and updates (if any) for a limited time, which may or may not be renewed based on the company's policies in this regard.

In the event of detecting code modifications on the contracted module/s that request support, we reserve the right not to provide the service.

LIEWEBS always recommends, before installing any module in a PrestaShop online store, to make or have a recent and complete backup copy of it.

LIEWEBS will only provide support to the domain that is associated with the license purchased by the CLIENT.

LIEWEBS reserves the right to modify the conditions of sale, support service and updates of the PrestaShop modules for sale and sold at any time.

All modules developed by LIEWEBS are the intellectual property of LIEWEBS, and therefore reserves the right to encrypt part or all of the code of the modules.

5.1 Technical support

The technical support service is associated with each module and license purchased, being independent in the case of acquiring a module with several licenses.

The technical support service will have a certain duration and will appear in the description of the module, within the product sheet. This period may vary without affecting the CUSTOMER who purchased the product prior to the variation. The first period of technical support is included in the price of the purchased module.

Within the technical support period, the customer will acquire the following rights:

  • Right to technical assistance for the resolution of problems related to and/or caused directly by the module and its components.
  • Right to download the most recent versions of the module.

The technical support service includes the following:

  • Installation and configuration of the module.
  • Resolution of incidents caused directly by the module.
  • Resolution of errors caused by incompatibilities with original PrestaShop modules.
  • Checking and correcting bugs specific to the module.

The following cases are excluded from technical support:

  • Customization work for the implementation or creation of functionalities
  • Errors or incidents caused by an incompatibility of modules installed by third parties.
  • Errors or incidents caused by incompatibilities arising from modifications to template files, PrestaShop CORE code directly or through the use of overrides.
  • Errors or incidents caused by the server where the website is hosted or by the configuration of its components.

In the case of exclusions, LIEWEBS will give the client the option of contracting additional services and will provide the CLIENT with a quote for the costs that the CLIENT would have to pay in the event of acceptance of the services.

5.2 Renewal of the technical support service

Before the technical support service expires, LIEWEBS will send the client a notification a few days in advance to the expiration date of the service so that the CUSTOMER can renew it. After the technical support period has elapsed, the CUSTOMER may continue using the module indefinitely but will lose the right to:

  • Download the latest module version updates.
  • Receive technical assistance and responses to support tickets.

The cost of renewing the technical support service is 30% of the current value of the module with a minimum of €20 excluding taxes.

5.3 License of use

The modules are sold under a NON-EXCLUSIVE license of use. The license conditions appear in the following link:
License conditions of use

5.4 Intellectual property

LIEWEBS is the sole owner of the Intellectual Property Rights over the module or software developed. No ownership rights are transferred other than the license to use it under the conditions of use and requirements set forth.


This section includes web hosting services, Cloud Servers, VPS Servers, domains, SSL certificates, dedicated IP addresses, and software use licenses for servers.

6.1 Exceeding the data transfer limit on servers

If the data transfer reaches what is contracted in the corresponding plan, LIEWEBS will suspend the account, unless THE CLIENT contracts a higher plan. The account will be reactivated at the beginning of the following month.

6.2 15-day satisfaction guarantee

THE CUSTOMER has a satisfaction period of 15 days from the moment the server is contracted. If the CUSTOMER is not satisfied with our service, LIEWEBS undertakes to refund the entire payment made.

This guarantee does not include commission expenses depending on the payment method, domain registration if any or any other expense derived from the purchase.

In the event that the service purchased with LIEWEBS does not comply with the points of this contract, NO type of refund will be made, even if it is within the trial period.


The CLIENT can consult our complete data protection policy at Cookies and data privacy policy


The required data, entered when registering as a client, must contain true and updated information about THE CLIENT. LIEWEBS reserves the right to verify that the data is true, otherwise THE CLIENT will be required to provide us with the correct data immediately. Any anomaly derived from

the CLIENT's data not being correct will not be the responsibility of LIEWEBS.

Any change or modification of the registered office, financial data, account data, etc., must be updated by accessing the account configuration section from the customer panel for rectification in our database.

All data cannot be modified, therefore, in that case, the CUSTOMER must contact the customer service department to request the change, through a query ticket addressed to that department.


The CLIENT guarantees that he is the owner of the information stored by him on the LIEWEBS servers or that, in any case, he has the corresponding authorization to disclose said information over the Internet.

In order to guarantee the purposes of this contract, the CLIENT authorizes LIEWEBS to make a backup copy of the information stored by the CLIENT on the LIEWEBS servers during the term of this contract.

The CLIENT is solely responsible for the content emitted from our Hosting servers and Radio station servers. The CUSTOMER must ensure that it complies with all the rules and requirements imposed by the SGAE to be able to broadcast music from its radio station.

The CLIENT needs to have a license from the General Society of Authors and Publishers to be able to reproduce, store or use music on their website, station or contracted FTP space. For more information visit the following link:


The CUSTOMER acknowledges that, by virtue of its contractual relationship with LIEWEBS, it may have access to Information and materials related to business plans, customer lists, technology or marketing strategies of great value to LIEWEBS and that should not fall into the power of third parties.

The CLIENT agrees not to use this information for its own benefit or for that of third parties not authorized by LIEWEBS.

The CLIENT also undertakes to take the necessary measures so that this information does not fall into the hands of third parties.

The CLIENT also undertakes to return or destroy these materials once their contractual relationship with LIEWEBS has ended. LIEWEBS reserves the right to demand liability for damages from the CUSTOMER in the event of non-compliance.



As a general rule, the prices that appear on the website do not include VAT.
LIEWEBS reserves the right to vary the characteristics and prices of each service, and the CLIENT will notify such modifications at least 10 days in advance, prior to the renewal of the contract.

Payment methods

The CUSTOMER must pay the stipulated price in advance using one of the following payment methods:

Direct debit, bank transfer, credit/debit card or Paypal.

The Paypal payment method entails a official fees. You can get further information in following link:

Paypal fees

The CUSTOMER may make payments by bank transfer from outside Spain. In this case, the CLIENT must be responsible for any commission that this entails. Otherwise, we would not consider the transfer valid and you would have to pay the corresponding commission that you did not pay initially.

The data necessary to send this type of transfers must be requested by the CLIENT from the Administration Department.

LIEWEBS may apply a price increase depending on the payment method selected by the CUSTOMER. This increase will always be reported before payment is made and it will be reflected on the invoice.

LIEWEBS does not store any data on cards used by the CUSTOMER. The payment environment by debit or credit card is totally secure and depends on the official platforms of the payment gateway used.


The client may exercise his or her right to a refund of the total or partial amount paid for the service, through the contact form on this website or by using the messaging delivery system accessible from the client panel mentioned in the section 2 hereof. Acceptance of the refund of the amount is subject to compliance with the conditions indicated in this section.

12.1 Refund of the amount paid for web hosting services

Some products have a 15-day satisfaction guarantee period (see article 9). If after this period there is any claim by THE CUSTOMER, LIEWEBS will offer THE CUSTOMER a solution that satisfies them by common agreement. In that case, Hosting cancellations will only be accepted that are attributable to problems related to the server and as long as they are attributable to LIEWEBS and/or server operation problems caused directly by its Hardware and/or Software.

12.2 Refund of the amount paid on digital products

In the case of digital products (applications, Software, PrestaShop modules , etc...), the applicable regulations are DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/770 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF MAY 20, 2019 RELATING TO CERTAIN ASPECTS OF CONTRACTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF DIGITAL CONTENT AND SERVICES. Liewebs is strictly governed by this directive and will only accept a full refund of the amount of the digital product purchased if the following conditions are met:

  • The customer does not have the purchased product because he or she has not downloaded it.
  • The product presents technical errors that are solely attributable to the design and development of the product and that make its normal operation impossible , as long as the customer has notified the problem and the technical support team is not able to resolve it in a reasonable time. Problems arising from incompatibilities with modifications made or other programs or modules developed by third parties are exempt.

12.3 Refund of the amount paid for the rest of the services

For the rest of the services, the CLIENT may exercise their right to a full or partial refund of the service costs if the following conditions are met:

  • In the event that the objective or purpose of the service has not been met for reasons attributable to LIEWEBS, due to poor practice or quality in the management of the provision of the service.
  • In the case of services charged in full in advance, provided that the service has not been provided and the CLIENT has not been able to enjoy it.
  • Partial refund in cases stipulated in the specific contracts for each service

12.4 Return request procedure

If the conditions for returning a product or service are met, LIEWEBS will refund the corresponding amount in the same way that THE CUSTOMER made the payment. If THE CUSTOMER requests it, the money can be refunded as credit in their favor to make new purchases.

LIEWEBS will not make refunds by bank transfer to banks outside of Spain, unless THE CUSTOMER is fully responsible for the commissions that this entails.

LIEWEBS will refund the money within a period of 1 to 30 days from when the return invoice is issued.


The CLIENT has the right to request the withdrawal of the contracted services within 14 days following their acquisition as long as the service has not yet been provided by LIEWEBS.

In the case of digital products, the conditions indicated in section 12.2 must be met.

The client may exercise their right of withdrawal , through the contact form on this website or by using the messaging sending system accessible from the client panel mentioned in section 2 hereof.


LIEWEBS processes its invoices in electronic format, these having the same legal validity as invoices issued in paper. Our invoices comply with the standards stipulated in article 6 of RD 1496/2003.

The CLIENT will be able to download, view their invoices or download them in PDF format through the client panel, in the "Billing" section.


The CLIENT must pay in advance the total or partial amount of their services or products, depending on their nature. Until this requirement is met, our services will not be provided.

If for any reason there are defaults on the CUSTOMER 's account , LIEWEBS will notify them of said negative credits, which must be settled within the period indicated.

The CLIENT will not be able to cancel their services until the debt has been settled.

All delivery notes have their own expiration date.

Invoices are created one week before the renewal date (expiration) so that the CUSTOMER can pay it on time.

In the case of domain renewal, the renewal date cannot be exceeded; if you pay a day later, the domain will have expired.

Once the expiration date has passed, the system will automatically suspend the CLIENT 's product . To reactivate it, the CLIENT will have to make sure that their product still exists and has not been completely eliminated, contacting the LIEWEBS commercial department to be informed about this.

LIEWEBS reserves the full right to completely delete the CLIENT 's account after the expiration date without any liability in this regard.


LIEWEBS proposes specific offers and promotions throughout the year. Each promotion carries its own conditions, which are set out in detail on the website.
If the CUSTOMER makes a change that affects the conditions of the current promotion or offer, they will lose the benefits of said promotion, and must pay the corresponding rate that LIEWEBS informs them of.


Normally the prices of all products are modified every year. However, LIEWEBS maintains and respects the initial price with which the CLIENT contracted the service.


LIEWEBS reserves the right to apply discounts on its products or services through promotions and offers.


The relationships between the parties are those of a customer and a service provider.

The CLIENT will not have any right to bind LIEWEBS before third parties without the express consent of LIEWEBS.

Unless otherwise required by procedural law, the parties agree to communicate by email or postal mail, using the most up-to-date addresses in their possession. The parties will be obliged to keep proof of having made notifications to the opposing party.


The CLIENT exonerates LIEWEBS from any responsibility related to the content of the information stored by the CLIENT on the LIEWEBS servers.

The CLIENT is solely responsible for any claim or legal, judicial or extrajudicial action, initiated by third parties both against the CLIENT and against LIEWEBS, and based on the content of said information, with the CLIENT assuming any expenses, costs and compensation incurred. to LIEWEBS due to such claims or legal actions.

Any user who deposits Information on the servers of LIEWEBS, in the form of web pages, or in any other way, that allows access by third parties, will not become, by virtue of such act, a partner or collaborator of LIEWEBS, but will be an Independent content disseminator or editor. By connecting a server to the network, LIEWEBS does not become the editor or distributor of the information deposited by users on the LIEWEBS servers and, therefore, LIEWEBS does not assume any responsibility for the damage that said content may cause. to other users. The CUSTOMER acknowledges that the information that can be accessed through the access service is the responsibility of the person who creates it. Consequently, LIEWEBS will not be responsible in any case and under any circumstances for the content of the information of third parties to which the CLIENT may access, nor for the damages that the CLIENT may suffer by virtue of said Third Party Information, regardless of that access to such information is made through links, direct or consecutive, whose origin is found on the LIEWEBS web pages. The following are also considered resources that are outside the control of LIEWEBS, among others: programs, texts and user data; unmoderated newsgroups from the server itself; newsgroups from other servers; chats; distribution lists; FTP and Telnet accounts.

In order to prevent infractions in which LIEWEBS may be declared civilly liable and subsidize it, the CLIENT expressly authorizes LIEWEBS to carry out the necessary control measures to verify the legality of the information deposited on the server that is under its administration. The CLIENT also authorizes LIEWEBS to provide the data required by the State security forces by court order, in the course of a police investigation.

LIEWEBS undertakes to make every effort to maintain an acceptable level of compliance with its contractual obligations, but cannot guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, the continuity of the service at a given time, nor the integrity of the Information stored or transferred through from your system or from the Internet. LIEWEBS is not responsible for unauthorized access by third parties to CUSTOMER information stored in the system, loss or corruption thereof. LIEWEBS will not be responsible to the CLIENT, nor to its clients, for any damage derived from these cases, including: total or partial loss of information, inability to access the Internet, or inability to transmit or receive information caused by delays or interruptions of service, whether or not they are the responsibility or negligence of LIEWEBS.


This contract will be applicable from the date of acceptance thereof by the CLIENT. The duration of this contract will depend on the period specified for each type of service, which will be chosen by the CUSTOMER at the time of purchase.

This contract is deemed to be tacitly renewed if the parties continue to comply with their contractual obligations. Therefore, upon completion of this contract, without either party having announced its resolution to the other with a minimum notice of 10 days, this contract will be extended by tacit renewal, for a period equal to that corresponding to the chosen service.

However, LIEWEBS may immediately terminate this contract in the cases contemplated in the clauses of the contract. LIEWEBS may exercise this right without any prior notice and the CLIENT will not have the right to claim any compensation.


The service may be terminated for the general causes provided by law for the termination of contracts.

In addition to the suspension, cancellation and resolution due to non-payment by the CUSTOMER, LIEWEBS reserves the right to suspend, cancel or terminate the contract if inappropriate use of the service is made that may bring discredit or any other damage to LIEWEBS.

The suspension, cancellation and resolution will not give the right to compensation or compensation to clients who have incurred in the previous actions.


THE CUSTOMER may cancel the contracted service or services. The cancellation must be requested from the customer panel, and must be done for each service. Once sent, the administration department will check that everything is in order and will proceed to complete the requested service.

Said deletion implies the deletion of all data that was stored in the space contracted by THE CLIENT.

In the event that THE CUSTOMER requests cancellation before the end of the contracted period, they will not have the right to claim the money corresponding to the time they have not used the service or product.


The rights and obligations of the CLIENT may not be subrogated by third parties without the written consent of LIEWEBS, which undertakes to explain the causes in case of non-acceptance.


LIEWEBS reserves the right to modify this contract in order to update its content. The CUSTOMER will be able to see the updated contract at any time in the KNOWLEDGE BASE section. LIEWEBS, within your customer panel.
It will be understood that the CLIENT accepts the modifications if he continues to use the LIEWEBS services after the modification date.


The contract will end automatically when the CUSTOMER voluntarily lets the product expire.

In the case of clients who have contracted the bank direct debit service, the contract will not end automatically. In this case, the CLIENT must notify LIEWEBS to terminate the service with its corresponding contract.

This contract may be terminated by unilateral denunciation by any of the parties, with a written and reliable notice of 30 days.

The exercise of this power will not give rise or right to any of the parties to demand compensation for damages, with the exception of those inflicted intentionally or negligently and those that, as a consequence of the early termination, remain pending compensation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in accordance with the general contracting rules, failure by any of the parties to comply with the obligations contracted legally or contractually will entitle the other party to consider it resolved automatically and by operation of law without the need for prior notice. sufficient notification of this resolution to the non-compliant party, indicating the will and cause for termination.


If any part of this contract is contrary to law and therefore invalid, this will not affect the other provisions in accordance with the law. The parties undertake to renegotiate those parts of the contract that are void and to incorporate them into the rest of the contract.


LIEWEBS is explicitly committed to keeping the data and information received from its users, both those coming from completed forms and those generated by browsing the website itself, as strictly confidential, using technologies that allow for maximum security.


LIEWEBS reserves the right to make changes and modifications to these conditions at any time and without prior notice, in order to adapt them to technical or commercial needs or for operational or service reasons.

The changes will not affect the billing cycle in which they are made. They will take effect and bind the customer in the next billing cycle.

However, LIEWEBS may announce or give advance notice of changes to these conditions 30 days in advance, announcing the date on which the new conditions will come into force.

If the CLIENT does not agree with the modified conditions, he or she may suspend or cancel the service, prior written communication to LIEWEBS. The suspension or cancellation will take effect in the next billing cycle to that of the communication.

If the client does not communicate the cancellation or suspension of the service, it will be understood that he or she agrees with the new conditions and accepts them.


If you have any incident or conflict with LIEWEBS that our customer service has not been able to resolve, we inform you that you can resort to the ODR platform created by the European Commission, with free and open access, on extrajudicial resolution of derived disputes. of online services. You just have to access this link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.


The CLIENT accepts submission to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Seville for any actions and claims that may arise from this contract and for which said submission is valid.

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