- Inicio
- Módulos y addons para PrestaShop. PrestaShop Addons.
- Módulo Verificador DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF - Validación con la AEAT
Módulo Verificador DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF - Validación con la AEAT
El módulo Verificador DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF es el único que comprueba la validez de los números de identificación (españoles) insertados por el cliente en el formulario de registro o de direcciones a través de una consulta oficial a la AEAT (La Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria) mediante API. Es un módulo indispensable para las tiendas españolas, para asegurar que las facturas sean legales y tengan datos de clientes comprobados oficialmente.
- Versión
- 2.0.3
- Compatibilidad
- PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8
PrestaShop 9 - Requisitos mínimos
- Extensión CURL
Extensión OPENSSL
Extensión SOAP - Multitienda compatible
- Sí
Puedes probar nuestro módulo sin compromiso antes de realizar la compra. Accede a nuestra tienda demo para poder ver todas las características del módulo, funcionalidades y comprobar si cumple con tus requisitos:
[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora
2.0.3 (03/03/2025)
- [FIX] Issue with some string translations.
- [FIX] Issue with SOAP connection o AEAT API system. Updated data to send.
- [ADD] Compatibility and integration with module Customer Type OPC by PresTeamshop.
- [IMP] PHP code enhancements.
2.0.2 (28/01/2025)
- [ADD] Compatibility with PrestaShop 9.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Compatibility and integration with module One Page Checkout by PresTeamshop. (11/11/2024)
- [FIX] Issue validating DNI from Customer management section when customer uses different name during registration. (06/11/2024)
- [FIX] Issue during DNI validation because of permission denied for temporary certificate file generated.
- [IMP] PHP code enhancements. (30/10/2024)
- [FIX] Bug not allowing adding address with duplicated dni stored in deleted orders when option to not allow duplicated dni is activated.
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [IMP] PHP code for license system.
- [NEW] New 100% secure encryption system for certificate data. It is now impossible to steal certificate data if the module files are accessed. (14/10/2024)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Change validation icons in Customer Identification Number Management section. (30/08/2024)
- [NEW] License system.
- [FIX] Issue with Backend validation when module Advanced VAT Manager is enabled. (11/10/2023)
- [FIX] Issue with database error saving address when dni field is empty.
- [FIX] Visual issue with module admin tabs collapsed.
- [IMP] Security in source code.
2.0.0 (05/07/2023)
- [NEW] Major update.
- [NEW] Compatibility from Prestashop 1.7 to 1.8
- [NEW] NIF/CIF/DNI Validation engine with AEAT API using personal certificate.
- [IMP] Configuration page.
- [IMP] Code source enhacements.
- [ADD] Integration with module Advanced VAT Manager developed by us.
- [ADD] Integration with module One Page Checkout Prestashop developed by Presteamshop.
1.2.7 (30/05/2022)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying button to validate DNI in some versions of module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
- [FIX] BUG creating account in Prestashop 1.6 version.
1.2.6 (25/05/2022)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying button to validate DNI in module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
1.2.5 (21/01/2021)
- [FIX] Issue not displaying default label and legend in module One Page Checkout by Presteamshop.
1.2.4 (13/07/2021)
- [FIX] Issue in address form validation process when checkbox value hide the dni field (checkout process) in countries when dni field is required.
- [IMP] CSS code for checkboxes options container.
1.2.3 (04/04/2021)
- [FIX] Issue in address form validation process with some PS 1.7 versions.
- [FIX] Some traductions strings.
- [FIX] Warning messages displaying only when One Page Checkout PS module by Presteamshop is enabled.
- [IMP] Query to get identification numbers in BO analysis when ps_address table is too big.
- [IMP] Code for shops with thousands addresses.
- [NEW] Progress bar in BO analysis.
- [NEW] Timer for progress bar.
1.2.2 (11/01/2021)
- [DEL] Compatibility with RUT Validator module.
- [DEL] Some wrong strings in validation process.
- [ADD] Full country list even disabled countries.
- [FIX] Issue with NIE validation.
- [FIX] AdminAddresses validation when company selector option is enabled.
1.2.1 (05/01/2021)
- [ADD] Compatibility with PS
- [ADD] AJAX validation process in AdminAddress Controller to implement compatibility with PS
- [FIX] Override admin and front controller issues in Admin DNI validation process.
- [FIX] String spelling correction.
1.2.0 (15/12/2020)
- [NEW] Logo and box design.
- [DEL] Option to set the name of the input. Replaced to dropdown.
- [FIX] Issue no validating some valid CIF numbers.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [IMP] Validation system and process.
- [IMP] System to check and recognize identification number structure/type.
- [IMP] Validation in Open Page Checkout PS module.
- [IMP] Database analysis process to search not valid identification numbers. Now detec duplicated numbers.
- [NEW] Feature to manage identification numbers as required or optional field override the default Prestashop control.
- [ADD] Compatibility with module RUT Validator.
- [ADD] Option to validate in DNI or VAT number field.
- [ADD] Option to select the validation mode (strict or smart).
- [ADD] system to format documents in valid format (without hyphens or points).
- [ADD] Option to convert field in optional or required.
- [ADD] Option to display identification number only for companies.
- [ADD] Checkbox with configurable (multilanguage) options to show or hide identification number field.
- [ADD] Option to display identification number depends on option select in checkbox.
- [ADD] multilanguage text field options.
- [ADD] Feature to display "optional or required" string depends on option selected in Identification number condition.
1.1.2 (11/11/2020)
- [FIX] Issue analizing Identification numbers in database.
- [IMP] js code for compatibility with module One Page Checkout PS.
1.1.1 (04/06/2020)
- [FIX] Issue trying to validate document when user wants to register as customer in registration form with no dni input.
1.1.0 (15/05/2020)
- [IMP] Module configuration page.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Validation process in server side instead client side by AJAX.
- [IMP] Compatibility with One Page Checkout module by Presteamshop.
- [IMP] Compatibility with multistore mode.
- [NEW] Option to select country to validate DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF documents.
- [NEW] Option to select type of documents to validate.
- [NEW] Option to convert document format with letter in uppercase.
- [NEW] Option to set blacklist of documents to avoid customer registration with documents in blacklist.
- [NEW] Option to check and find documents just saved into database with bad format, empty fields, duplicated or invalid.
1.0.5 (05/08/2019)
- [FIX] Issues with override files in customer registration form.
1.0.4 (02/08/2019)
- [FIX] Issues NIE validation.
1.0.3 (13/06/2019)
- [ADD] Feature to validate Italian number format.
1.0.2 (18/04/2019)
- [ADD] Option to allow or not customer registration with duplicated identification numbers.
- [IMP] One Page Checkout module compatibility with new features.
1.0.1 (12/10/2018)
- [ADD] BO verification system.
- [ADD] Option to set name attribute value for dni input, make it compatible with all themes.
1.0.0 (25/07/2018)
- First version developed.
A continuación, mostramos una lista de módulos desarrollados por terceros, y que son compatibles con el nuestro, sin que presenten ninguna anomalía en su funcionamiento. No obstante, la gran mayoría de módulos del mercado son compatibles con este módulo, a excepción de los módulos de Checkout, que es posible que presenten alguna incompatibilidad. Ante cualquier duda, puedes consultarnos.
One Page Checkout de Presteamshop
Se ha desarrollado la integración completa con el módulo One Page Checkout de Presteamshop (desde versión 4.1.5 usando la interface del Checkout V5), para que todas las funciones y características de nuestro módulo funcionen en la página de checkout administrada por este módulo.
Si está usando un módulo de terceros para Checkout que no figura en la lista es posible que no sea compatible. Consúltenos.
Una vez adquirido el producto, recibirás un código de licencia LIFETIME para poder hacer uso del módulo de manera indefinida en el dominio que indiques. Además, en el precio de la compra se incluye derecho a soporte técnico durante los 12 meses siguientes. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, tendrás la opción de renovar el periodo de soporte técnico por 12 meses, abonando el coste del servicio.
Si quieres más información acerca de las condiciones de licencia, por favor, visita el siguiente link