- Inicio
- Módulo Advanced Editor Htaccess
Módulo Advanced Editor Htaccess
El módulo Advanced Editor Htaccess te permite editar el archivo de configuración del servidor .htaccess fácilmente desde el Back-office. Además incluye una opción para insertar automáticamente parámetros de caché, compresión de archivos y uso de recursos estáticos para incrementar el rendimiento web, aumentando la velocidad de carga del sitio y mejorando el SEO y las puntuaciones en las métricas de las CWV (Core Web Vitals).
- Versión
- Compatibilidad
- PrestaShop 1.6
PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8 - Multitienda compatible
- Sí
Puedes probar nuestro módulo sin compromiso antes de realizar la compra. Accede a nuestra tienda demo para poder ver todas las características del módulo, funcionalidades y comprobar si cumple con tus requisitos:
[DEL] = Elemento eliminado
[NEW] = Nuevo elemento
[ADD] = Característica añadida
[FIX] = Bug corregido
[IMP] = Mejora (03/12/2024)
- [FIX] Minor bugs checking htaccess content.
- [IMP] PHP code. (01/11/2024)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
1.4.3 (04/04/2023)
- [IMP] htaccess content test system.
1.4.2 (28/03/2023)
- [FIX] Minor bugs in htaccess testing tool messages.
1.4.1 (28/11/2022)
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [FIX] Deleting advanced code in Admin htaccess file.
- [ADD] Compatibility with Prestashop 8.
1.4.0 (20/02/2022)
- [IMP] htaccess file checking process in maintenance mode.
- [ADD] Warning message to disable debug mode if it is enabled.
1.3.9 (17/12/2020)
- [NEW] Box and module icon.
- [FIX] Issue to not remove adminController once uninstalled the module.
- [IMP] PHP Code.
- [IMP] DEFLATE directives enhanced.
- [IMP] GZIP directives enhanced.
1.3.8 (16/05/2020)
- [FIX] Issue for controller not found when htaccess test is performed.
1.3.7 (05/05/2020)
- [FIX] Issue displaying admin warning message.
- [IMP] Override function to be executed only when module is enabled.
1.3.6 (10/04/2020)
- [FIX] Issue testing htaccess code with shop in maintenance mode.
- [IMP] PHP code improvements with admin controller to request ajax process.
1.3.5 (24/02/2020)
- [FIX] Issue adding duplicated htaccess code.
- [NEW] Monitoring htaccess code to prevent internal server errors and fix htaccess file in case of error.
- [NEW] Testing fefatures to test htaccess code before saving.
- [NEW] Feature to not allow saving htaccess code if this code is wrong.
- [IMP] Main module source code.
- [IMP] Module configuration page with tabs.
- [ADD] FULL htaccess code editor. Now you can edit whole htaccess code.
- [DEL] Themes styles selector. Now only default theme is displayed.
1.3.0 (11/02/2019)
- [FIX] Issue in BO optimization code.
- [FIX] Issue in php code for headers and footer delimiters.
1.2.8 (19/08/2018)
- [IMP] PHP code improvements.
- [IMP] Textarea to add custom .htaccess code without modifying whole file.
- [IMP] Button to regenerate .htaccess regenerates the file with whole code (Default code + custom code) without loosing code previously configured.
- [IMP] Code to increase website performance. More performance reducing loading time.
- [ADD] French and Germany translations.
- [ADD] Feature to keep the rest of .htaccess code in the file. Avoiding lose code configured by another modules or users.
1.2.7 (24/03/2018)
- [ADD] PrestaTrust feature.
1.2.6 (02/12/2017)
- [FIX] php code to avoid issue after installing.
1.2.5 (20/04/2017)
- [IMP] Admin warning and information messages.
- [IMP] Module logo and box.
1.2.2 (06/03/2017)
- [FIX] Configuration tables for multi-shop adding updateGlobalValue for tables.
- [IMP] Admin warning messages.
- [IMP] Module box design and logo.
1.2.0 (31/12/2016)
- [ADD] Protect .htaccess function.
- [ADD] Support PS1.5, PS1.6 and PS1.7
- [ADD] Code check to set options in configuration page.
- [ADD] Some warning messages.
- [IMP] PHP code source more efficient and clean.
- [IMP] Parameters to increase website performance in BO and FO.
- [IMP] Permisions 644 to file .htaccess.
- [IMP] Translations.
- [NEW] Module box logo.
- [NEW] Documenter.
1.0.5 (13/09/2016)
- [ADD] Highlight syntax (CodeMirror) in textarea with 47 themes available.
- [ADD] Back-Office optimization option.
- [ADD] Increase Website performances option.
- [ADD] Function to generate original .htaccess file.
1.0.0 (24/03/2016)
- First version.
Una vez adquirido el producto, recibirás un código de licencia LIFETIME para poder hacer uso del módulo de manera indefinida en el dominio que indiques. Además, en el precio de la compra se incluye derecho a soporte técnico durante los 12 meses siguientes. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, tendrás la opción de renovar el periodo de soporte técnico por 12 meses, abonando el coste del servicio.
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