PrestaShop update

PrestaShop update


PrestaShop Update Service to update your PrestaShop store to the most recent version with all the guarantees and without any type of failures or errors during the process.

Service provided during office hours.

Version update service for PrestaShop stores  

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What is our PrestaShop Update service?

The PrestaShop Update Service is a service that we provide so that you can update the version of the platform of your online store to the most recent one without generating any type of problems during the process or generate subsequent errors.

Updating the PrestaShop version is one of the most delicate tasks due to the serious consequences that could be generated by an error made during the process. Although there are modules, both official and developed by third parties, that perform this automated function, errors may occur halfway through the process or it may not be completed satisfactorily. This situation causes serious and unrecoverable store errors unless a previous backup has been created and successfully restored.

For all of the above, we recommend that you hire us for this type of services. We migrate and update the most sensitive data manually, ensuring that nothing fails during the process. We give the client a guarantee that the result will be a success.

In addition, before performing this update service, we take the precautions of making redundant backup copies, so that in the hypothetical case of If an error occurs, you do not lose your store data and everything remains in the same previous state.

This service is provided during our office hours

Is the PrestaShop Update service valid for updating from any version of PrestaShop to the latest published one?

The answer is Yes, but there are certain nuances that you should know and that are related to the type of version.

You can obtain more information in an article that we have published about the types of versions that exist and their characteristics.

This service only includes minor version updates or revisions. To update to larger versions (from 1.6 to 1.7 or 8), you must contact us so that we can give you a customized quote depending on the conditions of your store, the modules you have installed, the type of template, etc...< /p>

Procedure after purchasing this service

Once you have purchased the service and paid its cost, we will give you access to a private customer panel from where you can send us task requests through support tickets, private messages in real time, download invoices, view in real time the tasks that are being carried out and the times that are being used in each of them and other options.

In addition, to the above, for greater security and confidence with the clients who hire our services, all the Conditions for the provision of these services are indicated in a document that the client must accept prior to the provision of the service through the client panel.

NOTE: You can download the conditions of this service in the "downloads" tab on this same product page.

Time period of service
Office time

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