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- Module Ultimate Database Optimizer
Module Ultimate Database Optimizer
The Ultimate Database Optimizer module is the definitive solution that repairs, optimizes and keeps the database of your PrestaShop store clean. It is the module with the most features and functions to perform periodic maintenance of the database, preventing errors and increasing the speed of query processing and the overall performance of the website.
- Version
- Compatibility
- PrestaShop 1.6
PrestaShop 1.7
PrestaShop 8 - Multishop compatibility
- Yes
[DEL] = Element removed
[NEW] = New element
[ADD] = Feature added
[FIX] = Bug fixed
[ IMP] = Improvement (28/11/2024)
- [FIX] Minor bugs. (26/11/2024)
- [IMP] Code enhancements.
- [IMP] Some translations strings.
- [ADD] New License code features for PrestaShop Addons. (20/11/2024)
- [FIX] Bug with values 0 in parameter max_execution_time.
- [FIX] Issue cleaning tables for buffering queries because of backup process opened before cleaning table process. (14/10/2024)
- [FIX] minor bugs in cron.
- [FIX] Issue with mod security etecting false positive SQL injection when module log with SQL sentence is inserted.
- [IMP] PHP code. (22/08/2024)
- [ADD] License feature. (02/07/2024)
- [FIX] Issue with minimum requeriments to operate the module when max_execution_time value is unlimited. (02/07/2024)
- [FIX] Data integrity repair issue in tables stock and stock_mvt for PrestaShop 8 version.
- [IMP] Some performance enhacements optimizing PHP code. (03/05/2024)
- [FIX] Minor bugs. (01/05/2024)
- [FIX] Remove max_execution_time parameter from CRON to avoid issues with minimum requeriments.
- [FIX] Bug endless deep scan process when there are missing order addresses.
- [IMP] Some improvements in database optimization processes. (26/03/2024)
- [FIX] Cron task issue blocked due .htaccess file security directives.
- [FIX] Issue performing duplicated ajax process when deep scan is repeated without reloading page.
- [IMP] Table detection with suffix _shop or _lang avoiding issues when tables contains shop or lang string but they are not related to language or multishop.
- [IMP] Use of frontcontrollers for cron tasks to increase security. (06/02/2024)
- [FIX] Bug when activate debug profiling.
- [FIX] Deprecated usage of code. (20/12/2023)
- [FIX] Bug skipping last process in deep scan. (19/11/2023)
- [FIX] Typography issue in code from Database.php file.
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [ADD] New feature to check missing tables during check integrity process. (03/11/2023)
- [FIX] Issue during deep scan process never end kepping looping in last process check.
- [FIX] Visual issue in admin tabs collapsed.
- [FIX] Security issues against SQL Injections. (30/08/2023)
- [FIX] Issue during installation in Prestashop 1.6. version.
- [FIX] Issues with source code. (07/08/2023)
- [FIX] Issue in mySQL execution with multiple queries.
3.1.3 (13/04/2023)
- [FIX] Minor BUGS.
- [FIX] Bug in search filter from log table.
- [IMP] Performance executing some optimization and repair tools.
- [IMP] Check table errors process avoiding check tables with more than 1.000.000 records to avoid get stuck the process.
- [IMP] Deep scan process.
- [IMP] One Clic Optimization tool.
- [NEW] Option to remove orders from deleted customers.
3.1.2 (22/03/2023)
- [FIX] Minor bugs.
- [FIX] Issue checking missing carts in database.
- [IMP] PHP code and visual.
- [IMP] CRON tasks engine.
- [ADD] Prestashop 8 compatibility.
3.1.1 (15/10/2022)
- [FIX] Issue checking cache attribute issues in multishops.
- [FIX] Issue not meeting requeriments when max_input_time PHP parameters has value -1.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] System to check and fix cache default attribute issues.
- [ADD] New system check engine to detect missing default attributes causing zero price in product list.
3.1.0 (14/06/2022)
- [FIX] Minor bugs with parameters value in Control panel.
3.0.9 (23/12/2021)
- [FIX] PHP code with bad function name.
- [FIX] PHP code with SQL bad syntax.
- [FIX] Adding reparing tables when there is a carts with missing products when optimization in one click is performed.
- [ADD] Messages when tables are fragmented.
- [IMP] Deep scan process to avoid browser freeze during performing actions.
- [IMP] Code to optimize memory use in optimization cron task.
3.0.8 (14/12/2021)
- [IMP] Engine to check database user privileges.
- [IMP] Avoid stop process in missing product carts fix process when there is duplicated entries.
- [IMP] Improved process in missing order address checking when customer deletes address but it is in database table as deleted = 0.
- [IMP] Reseting progress bar between processes.
- [FIX] BUG in PHP code in optimization.php file for Optimization cron task.
- [ADD] Allow to perform deep scan even server requeriments are not meet.
- [ADD] Allow to perform optimization task is CRON even user is not Superadmin.
3.0.7 (30/11/2021)
- [FIX] Issue checking database user privileges in some servers with no privileges in information.schema tables.
3.0.6 (19/10/2021)
- [FIX] Issue displaying error message about minimum requeriments when database privileges has more than those minimum 7 privileges requested.
- [FIX] Displaying duplicated popup messages in Control Panel.
3.0.5 (07/10/2021)
- [IMP] Ajax processes.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [FIX] Issue checking database user privileges when they are combinated into Global and specific privileges.
- [FIX] Issue infinity loading in database status message process.
- [FIX] Issue "Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given" for table name.
- [FIX] Issue variable for warning messages sent in Cron task for Database status process.
- [FIX] Issue sending emails in english language instead administrator profile language selected.
- [FIX] Issue stopping process when max_execution_time is equal to 300.
- [FIX] Emails format and translations.
- [ADD] System to check and fix when there is a missing products in orders carts.
3.0.4 (01/10/2021)
- [FIX] Issue with bad option "disabled" in change database engine dropdown into Cron for optimization section.
- [IMP] PHP code in Cron files.
- [IMP] Database user privileges checking process.
- [IMP] Allow Database basic checking even minimum requeriments are not meet.
3.0.3 (15/09/2021)
- [FIX] Admintab translation issue.
- [FIX] Issue not hidding loading icon in notification container when error is after one click optimization process.
- [FIX] Issue displaying elements found and type of process in status monitor due bad html tags.
- [FIX] Issue displaying duplicated tables when integrity errors are detected.
- [FIX] Issue detecting wrong tables with maximum key length to change engine.
- [FIX] Issue displaying wrong PHP values in Control Panel.
- [FIX] Issue extracting Database when it has symbols.
- [FIX] Issue getting optimization level caused by bad array with dynamic tables.
- [FIX] Issue performing saving logs process even option disabled.
- [FIX] Issue changing database engine in selector option when the engine is just changed.
- [IMP] Integrity error checking engine.
- [IMP] Primary key 0 or null detection engine, fixing some issues related to this.
- [IMP] Increased time to display modal messages before hidding.
- [IMP] PHP code.
- [IMP] Database user privileges and actions restricted per privileges.
- [IMP] Memory limit limitation when value is set to -1 (Unlimited).
- [ADD] Feature to inform about User current privileges and necessary ones in order to work properly.
- [ADD] Feature to hide database password information if the Prestashop emloyee is not an Admin.
3.0.2 (21/08/2021)
- [FIX] Update process issue not deleting old configuration parameters.
3.0.1 (20/08/2021)
- [FIX] Update process issues when old is below to 3.0.0
3.0.0 (10/08/2021)
- [NEW] Major 3.0.0
1.0.9 (22/12/2020)
- [FIX] Error messages with some php parameters.
- [IMP] Increase performance executing actions from this module.
1.0.8 (16/07/2019)
- [FIX] Issue with fragmented data in innoDB tables.
- [ADD] Disallow to repair and optimize tables in myISAM format.
1.0.7 (10/07/2019)
- [FIX] Issue with optimize tables function.
- [FIX] Issue with repair tables button.
- [ADD] Allow to repair and optimize tables in myISAM format.
1.0.6 (08/07/2019)
- [FIX] Issue in operator values (Error 500 in Database panel option).
1.0.5 (03/12/2018)
- [FIX] Issue in checking integrity process with Prestashop 1.7 tables.
- [FIX] Issue saving logs in database restore process.
1.0.3 (14/04/2018)
- [FIX] Issue when write config file when database prefix and engine is changed to.
- [IMP] PHP code.
1.0.2 (24/03/2018)
- [ADD] PrestaTrust feature.
1.0.1 (06/03/2017)
- [FIX] Issue when change database prefix in PS or above versions.
1.0.0 (27/12/2017)
- First developed.
Once you purchase the product, you will receive a LIFETIME license code to be able to use the module indefinitely on the domain you indicate. In addition, the purchase price includes the right to technical support for the following 12 months. Once that time has passed, you will have the option to renew the technical support period for 12 months, paying the cost of the service.
If you want more information about the license conditions, please visit the following link